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    posted a message on Wizard Electrocute - Forked Lightning
    it isnt quite that simple. With those 2 items you have 6 bounces of Electrocute. With 2 targets this can hit a single target 3 times. Electrocutes damage seems to go down with each successive bounce. Ontop of that, each hit can be a crit. Each crit would release 4 sparks that each do 44% damage. It is the massive amount of sparks that gets generated that makes this do damage. It works very well in groups, just about utterly useless on single targets sadly. There are so many "hits" of damage going on that the game wont even show all the numbers. Im not looking for actualy damage numbers really, I am just looking for a rough % damage i should expect from it. Ya know, so i can say, oh my fire build does xxx% + xxx% and my arcane does xxx%. im not fully sure on how many times electrocute hits per cast, and how many casts you get per second. At 60% crit, i get a ton of sparks to add up.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Wizard Electrocute - Forked Lightning

    I am trying to figure out how to judge the % damage of the Electrocute - Forked Lightning skill. Also when used with Velvet Camaral helm and Myken's Ball of Hate. I can sit and watch as things melt with massive amounts of sparks, but i would like to come up with a way to actually quantify this. so that i may be able to compare it to my other wiz builds.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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