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    posted a message on Rune words and charms

    Hey guys, i just had a though about if diablo 3 had rune words and charms it would bring so much more diversity to the game. Imagine d3 with a 1-6 (socket) white weapon or chest and can make a rune word item with a specific bonus added to a skill [i know these comes from set items but imagine if you can get one more bonus passive from rune words, so much more creative specs can be made]. You can get another farm group for farming bosses to get runes (a legendary item). There would be something else to do besides farming gr's all day. Think about how creative the d3 dev team could come up with interesting rune lines and additions you can get, and maybe instead of one or two specs topping greater rifts, the game could have many! Charms are kind of self explanitory, you wont have bag space but can have increased damage/vit/main-stat/etc. on top of what you have(man i remember those days where people just full inventoried hex's and destroyed everything haha). With charms, you can farm anything and if you get something good, you can swap to your teammates or hang on to them for their alts. This would add another element from its predecesor and make d3 feel almost like d2 (imo). One of the most funnest things about diablo 2 (for me) was being able to farm cow level, and bosses in acts to get the rune stone or a random charm that would give you stats. I know this is just a thought but man wouldnt it be cool with more options?! I know its a lot to ask for but with the way d3 is right now, every player will hit the brick wall that wont let them climb over because grinding for paragon points is hard work! The game has a lot of ways to be different but towards end-game the only things to do are fish for rifts and speed gr's. Yes gearing for end game with leveling gems and augmenting your gear to get stronger is fun but once you hit end game items, theres a small margin for one to get an upgrade and will get boring after a long grind session. I know this will probably not make the drawing boards but cant a boy dream!

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Raiment of a Thousand Storms = Working your a$$.. off hear my voice!
    Sorry I have been quiet during these months as I have taken a break from d3 till 2.1 release. The rinse and repeat on Live doesn't want me to play d3 at the state it is in. The changes on Dashing strike cooldown has gave me some hope but still does not feel like I am playing a Diablo game. As I have stated above that the ping pong motion is very disappointing as a mechanic for a monk spec. I still await for a Raiment 6pc bonus to change into something that gives monks an umph! The PTR updates seems promising and I do enjoy my tank and spank spec but the raiment 6pc bonus should be be a different effect. Dashing strike back and forth does not promote good/healthy state of monk gameplay. I still think that the ping pong spec is very tiresome. While other classes are getting drastic changes to their kit, Monks are still behind and I don't think changing only the cooldown on Dashing Strike will help solve this issue. I guess we will await till 2.1 is on Live servers and could change my perspective once the spec is in full use with the new trinkets and accessories/items to follow. ~Monk forever
    Posted in: Monk: The Inner Sanctuary
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