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    posted a message on Using the 'Jaetch' fire-archon build need some help, Jaetch? Help xD
    you should also switch your belt out to either harringtons or strings.

    add me sometime Vapor#1506. Need some more friendly wizards!
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on [Video] Take 2: Hybrid Chainpocalypse Archon (Twitch.tv Highlight)
    Quote from Xx_kaio_xX

    Quote from Jaetch
    Quote from Xx_kaio_xX
    And with all this %fire ( with better gear you can have more than 100...) maybe u don't need Vyr...

    What u think?
    Too much of a trade-off; And 120-second cooldown vs. 100-second cooldown before CDR is factored in is a huge deal. Say 50% CDR, which is relatively standard, that's another 10 seconds of waiting. In addition, you'd be running an Archon without perma-Slow Time, which is incredibly useful against ranged enemies and other projectiles, and without a 3-second cooldown Teleport (sub-2 seconds with CDR) and you'd be without the 22% bonus damage from the Improved Archon rune, thereby absolutely crippling your damage output.

    Honestly, based on the discussions I've had with some players attempting to run Archon in a build, most don't actually understand when or why they're using Archon at all.

    When you use Archon, it's to provide burst, not just from the first instance from the explosion. You're using it to near instantaneously ramp up damage to an absurd level and DPS down targets before they can become too dangerous. You also use it as a means to instantly increase your defense and provide insane mobility in case you're caught in a bad spot. You don't just activate Archon for the initial burst and wonder whether or not you're doing enough damage for the 20-second duration. You're supposed to activate Archon for the burst, plus feed on all the nearby mobs that are just waiting to be killed so you can just exhale on elites and watch them melt in seconds.

    Quote from Dreadmure
    curious about your teammate with frost spec. what build is he/she uses, items?
    That's dolynick. He uses 20 APoC and Meteor cost reduction with legacy items so it's not easily replicable by any means.

    Yeah I agree with all now that I make some tests...

    This is what I'm using now:


    any advice?

    I was thinking to use tal amu belt and orb... but not sure...
    Assuming you are running 3 piece tals and then RRoG to get the 4 piece bonus, id recommend not going that route. The mentors that comes from tals loses it's usefulness in the higher torments. And even if you did use tals, the amulet slot is actually a bad choice because of the "immunity" amulets that are available.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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