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    posted a message on I'm concerned about seasons.
    Quote from waysa

    And 90 of the people who are diddicatet to ladder are going to restart ladder with the new season.
    So since 90 people want to actually play ladder for a reset, the other 5.99 million should wait until they've had their fun to have even a CHANCE to find new items?

    Give it a break. Release them in both modes. Go reset to you heart's content if that's what you actually care about.

    There is not a single argument from ladder only supporters that doesn't boil down to "I have the time to reset and grow my e-peen, so I should be given privledged rights to new items."
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm concerned about seasons.
    Quote from noladrew

    do I think he should have the same rewards in gear/paragon/etc as me in this game? By all means, and with all do respect, fkkkk no. Again, nothing against him in any way, what so ever. I just have no real life priorities or responsibility and enjoy what I do.
    So if he can't play 10+ hours a day he can't enjoy a game mode? Let's get realistic here. 15 hours A DAY. This game or these new modes should be balanced around that type of ... "Commitment"?

    No. It shouldn't. Time spent should not be synonymous with 'best' in a 1 to 1 ratio. To me that would be the challenge of developing a rewarding experience. One where measures other than 'time spent' decide who gets what.

    I have a much, much easier time understanding and accepting a more skilled player having better items/rewards, (any game, any genre) than I do one who just so happens to roll his face on the keyboard the equivalent of two full work weeks every 7 days.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on I'm concerned about seasons.
    Yes well the INCENTIVE everyone is pitching around for seasons is competition AND 'that fresh start feeling' (joke).

    Fact of the matter is, everyone needs incentive to keep playing a game, not just you and your special snowflake brigade. Please note that in your dictionary.com definition of incentive, it nowhere says ".. Encourages one to do something after their previous time expenditure has been voided."

    Spare me the 'earned' and 'deserved' talk, spare me the choice rhetoric. The premise remains as such, they will not be wasting time adjusting (non-season) legendaries.

    New game breaking builds will only be realized in one of three games modes, or with a 6 month delay.

    Because I don't want to discard all of my previous progress, I am left playing an inferior game mode because YOU wouldn't EVEN BOTHER with a Season without new items.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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