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    posted a message on Advice requested,
    Plonker is correct, you should aim for the TR 4p. It's an amazing set once you get it and build around it. However that is a lot of farming and we have no idea where you are currently at with the set. Personally I have TR and Vry's 4p sets but use a fire build as I am missing +arcane gear at the moment. This game is ever evolving and so are the builds so you have to be able to alter your build accordingly if you want to stay competitive. The rest of what Plonker said is a repeat of what I mentioned. Once you choose a direction for your build then you use your Blood Shards to achieve this goal. Using Rift it Forward is a good way to get Blood Shards quickly and efficiently. Chantodo's is a decent weapon, as is the Hallowed wand. Depending on how they roll they may or may not be an increase over your current TF. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/attitude-1961/hero/33435932 here is a copy of my profile. I am currently using a meteor fire build. As I mentioned I have both TR and Vry's 4p sets. However I don't like the optimization so they remain in my stash.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Advice requested,
    Well you have to make a decision.

    A. Do you want to be capped out at T2 maybe T3?


    B. Do you want to work towards higher torment levels?

    I say this because a Lightning Build is going to cap out around max T3. Where as a fire or arcane build will carry you throw T5-T6. The TF you rolled is not all that amazing so trying to design a build around it is not a great idea. You would have better luck with a fire or arcane build, using Elemental Exposure. This would enable the lightning dmg from TF to proc stacks as well as your fire or arcane abilities. This would net you more dmg overall than you are currently putting out. Also you need to be more aware of rerolling your gear. You rerolled your chest into gold find when it has no sockets on it. That is a large dmg loss due to the loss of 3 int gems. You can reroll the AR on your neck into CD which will yield you a large dmg increase as well. I could go into a lot more detail but I think that is enough for now. Wish you the best of luck!
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on What should I roll at Kadala?
    Ok I am going to help you out... a lot.

    1. Reroll your pants for 2 sockets instead of that AR.

    2. Reroll Magefists into Crit Damage

    3. Reroll Bul-Katho's ring into crit chance

    4. Choose an Element you are going to gear towards. Right now you have +fire but you have Archon which is Arcane dmg.

    5. If you choose fire then you need to be buying chests from Kadala for a chance to snag a Cindercoat.

    6. http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/wizard#aPNSjO!YZcg!cYYZaZ This is my suggestion for you to try. Tweak the passives as you see fit as well as Energy Armor depending on your torment level.

    I know you stated you wouldn't want to change your build but your build is really not that good. You will see a overall damage increase converting to this build as well as more survivability. Your current build appears to be putting you into melee range of mobs which is fine in say T1-T2. But once you increase that torment level you are going to be trucked unless you go a heavy toughness build which is not optimal.
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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