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    posted a message on My Damage Modifier Fire build
    So I have been reading alot trying to maximize my damage all I can on my demon hunter and I made a build purely off +15 % to cluster arrow and entangling shot / % damage increase to fire on all the gear I could

    I maximized all I could but eventually reached a wall. I eventually got lucky and got a Pride's fall helmet "http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/prides-fall-pgClp" as well as a Cindercoat "http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/cindercoat" With these two items together I could almost get to the point of never running out of hatred.

    I also reached 200 paragon level which let me max out on resource cost reduction allowing me a couple extra shots off of Cluster Arrow Which I think is worth it for sure.

    This is my build and Character


    I use different runes for different situations mainly on preparation. For living and casting smokescreen more I use the rune "back up plan" but if I find that im surviving fine I switch to the rune "Punishment" To cast more Cluster Arrows. The 30 percent increase in damage from The wolf companion adds on to the damage modifiers

    As for passives I try to use all the Damage modifiers "Steady aim" and "Cull of the weak" is amazing and a 40 percent increase just by using Entangling shot and standing back. using blood vengeance I found that with the Reaper's Wraps can make 1 health globe a game changer bringing all your hatred back, although can easily be swapped out for ambush for more initial damage. Archery is just amazing.

    My weapons although dont contribute to the build much add on 4 abilities I can cast while shooting. The one that helps the most is the Calamity adding on an additonal 20 percent damage to enemys through applying marked for death

    With all this I can do torment 5 easily.

    Hope you guys enjoy and give me feedback
    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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