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    posted a message on diablo2
    i get on daily. Check see whos on. But i've been bored with it lately...it happens every so often...
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Hcl-Gaming

    First off a little bit about hcl.. Hcl stands for Hardcore. Which means if you die there's no coming back. Sounds a little scary but it's a challenge and can be alot of fun. Most of us who play Diablo 2 can pretty much say it's addicting. When you've played for years and made just about every character there is to make and done just about everything, then why not try something new? such as Mf in hell in hcl, do ubers in hcl make it on ladder in hcl. or even just lvl around at low lvls. It's a challenege. It's a thrill. It's fun. If you got a lvl 94 on scl or whatever lvl try to make it that far in hcl. It's more of an accomplishment to be able to make it that far in hcl and not have died then it is on scl. Enough about that. I'm going to post some tips on survivng in hcl for anyone who wants to try it.

    1. When someone sends a tp wait until it is 1. 1 Meaning safe 2 Meaning hot/death. Usually they will tell you but if they don't ask if it is 1 or 2.

    2. Be patient. Don't rush into things. If your in a hurry to get things done there's a good chance that you will die. Take your time it's better to take how ever long you need to get where you want, then to die trying to get there in a rush.

    3. Don't go the next difficulty lvl until you have MAX resist and are atleast lvl 35/40 for nm or 60 for hell. Resist is very important to have max.

    4. Lots of people want to slap Mf gear on their characters and start finding better stuff for their guys. That's good but don't do this until you atleast have Max resist and decent defense. Otherwise you will have a good chance to find items and a poor survival chance.

    5. In Hcl your stats is usually the same as in scl for all builds. You don't need mana unless using an Es sorc..Just enough Str for gear. Dex depends on the build you are making. Most your stats will got on vit which is more impotant in hcl then in scl. More life can save your life in some situations.

    6. Stay along the walls when clearing areas. Going along a wall helps you because you don't need to worry about monsters coming out of that wall... leaving you to watch the other directions in which they would come.This helps alot more then just venturing off somewhere and having monsters surround you on all sides.

    7.Always carry Full juvies in your belt. Atleast one row if not more. If you plan on going to a more difficult act and don't have full juvies farm for some first. They are big life savers. Though if it gets down to it and the battle proves to be too hard. Esc the game.

    8. When gaming in a group stay together. This will help you and the group to survive. Plus you will lvl faster as a group from one another's kills.

    9.. Once you start getting good items that you want to keep start muling them. If you die and you have a friend that can loot you he/she can get your stuff from your character but not your stash or inventory. So mule what you can't use until you can.

    10. Avoid fire/exploding/poison shrines. Also when killing monsters pay close attention to what the uniques have. Fire Enchant and Cold Enchant stay as far back as you can.

    11. The worst/scariest part of hcl public gaming. If playing in public. Which is even more risky then in scl. Pkers (player killers) are there even more so in hcl then in scl. Try to avoid gaming in public games past lvl 9. Create games with lvl restrictions if you do choose to game in public.Hopefully you will make friends with higher lvl characters that way you can game private and avoid this. If you are hostiled, a fast esc key is F4 + Alt. It exits out of the whole game. But much faster then hitting esc and going down to exit which might not be quick enough when the pker is right there. Yes sometimes, lots of time the pkers are faster then you and some have programs now making it almost impossible to avoid being pked but once you get use to it you'll be able to tell who most pkers are or you'll have enough friends to game private.

    12. For first time hcl gamers it's best to make a character that is not melee until you get use to it. Some good first characters are
    Windy Druids, Summon Necros, Summon Druids, Trapsins, Javazons, Bowazons,Sorc builds, (sorcs attacks are good but they are weaker then most other characters when being hit with monsters), Bo barbs are good for support, Hammerdins. Just some of the builds you could use. Pretty much any non melee build.

    Just wanted to list some tips for those of you gaming in hcl or wanting to try something new out until d3 comes out.:D If any of you need any help I game on US West Hcl my account is arcticfrost08.
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on What really happens when Diablo is on your computer
    very nice link. lol
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on Φ What Realm Do You Play On?
    I play on Us West Hcl :)
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on help me
    You'd have to get a d2loader....and cdkey extract program thing...but why do you want to run 2 copies of d2 anyway. If you got 2 pcs and have them in the same room and got 2 cd keys then it would be cool. That's what alot of my friends do with multiple computers. But im guess you don't have 2 pcs and that's the only other way i ever heard of...
    Posted in: Diablo II
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    posted a message on Forum Game : Two Word Story
    In a big tavern Zubin and The wierd guy were eating some one's brain with dirty water on the white wine's container when someone farted which smelled like mouldy cabbage mixed with red wine which went into a 'nother man's cup of boiling hot water which would burn steel and your balls then suddenly Janet Reno died and fell into a vat of uglyness which gave birth to Diablo himself. Diablo then summoned his best friend who has, sorry, ''had'' a bad painful headache which caused a baby to fart loudly, causing Sepsis. In turn,to vanquish the evil demon that had a grotesque face and bad breath, and when he came to hell he alarmed Hephasto with some spoken words which sounded like echoes which were his voice not some other voice, he accidentily spat saliva into Hephasto's sweating buttocks, then said "oops sorry", and gave him a cloth with germs and viruses which contained some type of poison which would make Hephasto talk really fast and jump up really high. Hephasto then slapped Diablo so hard, he bled all over Hephasto, and Hephasto was pissed off and slapped Diablo's massive dick and sweating buttocks, which made Diablo really horny, then Diablo jumped on top of the Chaosanctuary and proposed to destroy all with his evil army. Suddenly, he farted out loud with his large ass and stuck his mom's giant stinking, panty killing all the men in a large explosion. Diablo licked the slop of his great massacre ice cream and chomped on his evil minions
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on So hi all
    thank you all for the welcome. This grape juice sure does taste good.:) Ya writing a letter wouldn't be a bad idea but i'm sure they get plenty of those as it is. anyway got to run. catch u all later
    Posted in: Introduction
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    posted a message on So hi all
    Hi All. I'm Kaleb. 17 years old. I really wish they'd make d3 but who doesnt. *sigh* but anyway until they do for those of u still on d2 and want to hook up sometime. I play D2 alot. Hcl mostly. My accounts are Lakotawarrior on scl and arcticfrost08 on hcl. HAVE A NICE DAY
    Posted in: Introduction
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