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    posted a message on SOH drop, what to reroll?
    Quote from Rhaego
    Quote from Tehstool

    You guys are probably right. I'd go with the base damage now.
    Nice to hear that !:)
    Quote from Dronedoom
    Quote from woodydaocas

    don't forget +% dmg is still bugged.. right ?
    yep. but patch is coming. i would go with +% damage
    You have a great example in this case - he (woodydaoacas) did go with +%dmg on his Thunderfury (armory link : http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/hellseven-2666/Draven/18913975).... compare results of his enchancements withthose made to minethunderfury (mine SoH is not comparablein this caseas I had to rerolldex on it for str.)(http://www.diabloprogress.com/hero/daenerys-2621/Rhaego/23667005).
    Thats because, as stated, elemental weapon damage is not yet affected by % damage on weapons. THis is something that blizzard is 100% aware of and in the process of fixing.

    Do the math on it to see what I mean:

    His TF will be at 2246.1 DPS once it's patched.

    That makes his overall DPS better than yours by some. And that means that he got a shitty damage roll. If he had gotten a higher base lightning damage, it would've been upwards of 2400 DPS. you cant discount the power of % damage when you're dealing with numbers this high. Its extremely powerful.

    Btw so you can check my math:
    The calculation for average weapon DPS is as follows:
    ( ( (weapon low-end damage) + (weapon top-end damage) ) / 2 )*(attack speed)
    ((1232 + 1685)/2)*(1.4)
    This is just proof to show that this is the math.

    Now to determine what hte damage would be WITH a %damage increase, all you need to do is add 10% of the base and top end values to them and then redo the calculation:

    (1355.2 + 1853.5)/2*(1.4)
    =2246.09 OR 2246.1 weapon DPS.

    Now let's say he got a top roll on thunderfury. I dont know the EXACT stats but I do know the top-end is 1490 lightning damage. Therefore, this calculation is just an estimate but it should be fairly close:

    First i got the base low and top end damage for the weapon to start.
    (1232 - 1047) = 185. (1685 - 1254) = 431.

    so let's say he gets a fairly high lightning damage roll.

    Lightning damage +1125 - 1480:

    (((185+1125)1.1) + ((431+1480)1.1)/2)*(1.4)
    ((1441 + 2102.1)/2)*(1.4)
    =2480.17 DPS
    on his thunderfury, versus yours which still sits at 2200 because you neglected the power of a %damage roll. Now assuming this gets fixed, his TF is going to make yours look like you found it in the toilet.

    Not doing this to be a dick. I just want you and anyone else that comes in here to understand just how powerful of a stat %damage is. Its severely underrated by SO many people.

    So in conclusion. YES you are correct that in his case he should've rerolled the lightning damage to get much better weapon DPS. However, if someone gets a really high damage roll to start, they should always go for %damage
    Posted in: Barbarian: Bastion's Keep
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