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    posted a message on 1h vs. 2h. Advice and Discussion
    I'm a fairly well geared Crusader and I've been tossing things back and forth trying to figure out what's best for my version of the hammerdin. I realize that most of the advice on the forums here are going to say 2H but wanted to hear some reasons why and discuss it if there's any theory crafting going on. Currently I'm torn between my Faithful Memory and my Thunderfury. My 2H is top notch damage wise, I haven't found a weapon in days that could compete but my Thunderfury could certainly use work and still seems to do really good damage. Is Thunderfury, Jace and Shard of Hate 1h weapons that are worth swapping for?

    Stats -http://i.imgur.com/I4CPqAO.jpg

    Profile - http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/vantro-1376/hero/43504960
    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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