
Speed Sader 2.6.1

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  • Justice Sword of Justice
  • Condemn Unleashed
  • Steed Charge Endurance
  • Iron Skin Flash
  • Laws of Hope Wings of Angels
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Fervor
  • Finery
  • Long Arm of the Law
  • Holy Cause


More Details

Kanai's Cube

  • Blade of Prophecy
  • Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan
  • The Star of Azkaranth

Edit: I will attach a video and do a better write up / explain things more in depth when I get out of work today!

So this is very similar to the Sage farming condemn build but I wanted to make one for GR's.I can speed through a 70 in about 3 minutes without very good gear at paragon 600. This build is going to be great for farming and easily turned into the goldwrap/sage DB build for regular rifts.

There is one interchangeable armor slot, the irontoe mudsplitters. You can chose to go with different boots, or wear the set boots and go for a deff slot. I didn't use the obvious illusory boots thanks to flash and wings of angels. Below are a few of the items I personally have experimented with and enjoyed.

Irontoe Mudsplitters - movement speed

Andarials Visage - Holy dmg

Leorics crown - cooldown

I am also thinking about losing Focus/Restraint, I don't seem to really need the damage buff. I was thinking of trying a SOJ for holy damage and a COE maybe?

Aim for at least 57% cooldown on the sheet. I also tried running it with Blade of Prophecy equipped and heavenly strength in the passive, In-Geom in cube. This works just as well I just happen to have an ancient in-geom and my blade of prophecy only has 660% dmg.

I welcome all criticisms, ideas for that last legendary armor piece and new ring combos.

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Core - MS up to 25% total, Max Resource, INT.

Offense - CHC,CHD, CDR, AS.

Defense - AR, Life, Life Regen, Armor.

Utility - RCR, LoH, AD, GF

Build Guide