
Godspeed Inarius Season 12

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  • Grim Scythe Dual Scythes
  • Death Nova Blight
  • Blood Rush Hemostasis
  • Bone Armor Dislocation
  • Devour Cannibalize
  • Frailty Aura of Frailty
  • Draw Life
  • Stand Alone
  • Fueled by Death
  • Spreading Malediction


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful
    • Pain Enhancer

Kanai's Cube

  • Trag'Oul's Corroded Fang
  • Strongarm Bracers
  • Ring of Royal Grandeur

Welcome To my Speed build called Godspeed Inarius.
The concept might have been seen before but this is my version of it so I hope you like it.

Just so we are clear this is NOT a pushing build and is to farm gr keys or level up gems fast.

This is called an Elite hunting build since we are basing the damage on In-Geom

The gems multiplications:

Bane of the Trapped:
Increases damage done to enemies under the control-impairing effects by 15%.
Upgrade: +0.3% additional damage per Rank.
Gain an aura that slows the movement speed of enemies within 15 yards by 30%

Pain Enhancer:
Critical hits cause the enemy to bleed for 2500% damage as physical over 3 seconds.
Upgrading increases damage by 50%.
Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you 3% increased Attack Speed for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards.

Bane of the Powerful: (This is a free spot since there are a lot of good gems) A good alternative is Wreath of Lightning
Gain 20% increased damage for 30.0 seconds after killing an elite pack.
Upgrade: +1 second duration per Rank.
Increases damage against elites and reduces damage taken from elites by 15.0%

Okay now we have the description of the gems

Now the Grace of Inarius Set Itself.

The synergy of the items:

We can start with the Skill: Frailty it becomes and aura around all the time.
The Frailty aura will proc the item Briggs ‘Wrath which pulls all enemies hit by this aura towards the user.
Now that the enemies are close and cursed
we proc the Passives:

Draw Life:
Increases your Life regeneration by 10% for each enemy within 20 yards.

Spreading Malediction:
Receive a 1% damage bonus for each enemy afflicted by one of your curses.

This will also Proc our Legendary item in the Cube Strong Arms Since the Briggs ‘Wrath counts as a pull
And is also a part of the Kryspin´s Sentence.

It also Proc the item Dayntee´s Binding in this season (12) because of the remake of the item giving us 50% damage reduction just by running into a monster with Briggs´Wrath

All off this just by running towards enemies??
Yes and even after all of these buffs the Bone tornado will clear everything.
If In-Geom is active you will cast Bone Armor all the time also

Now to the most important items of the build.

Illusory Boots:
This is a required item, otherwise you will get stuck from all the enemies you pull and this makes it easier to get to elites

Nemesis Bracers:
We want as much up time on In-Geom as possible so this item is necessary.

OKAY! We went through the Damage increases.

Now to Toughness

Dayntee´s Binding Gives a straight up 50% Toughness

this will always be on since you run through thrash a lot

Stand Alone: Increases armor by 100% since we do not use any minions.

Grace of Inarius 4 Set bonus gives 2% additional Damage Reduction for every enemy hit by Bone Armor.
This increases damage reduction per stack from 3% to 5%, to a maximum of 50% at 10 stacks. However, with Wisdom of Kalan, the maximum number of stacks increases to 15, giving a potential of 75% damage reduction.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Always max movement speed then everything in primary stat.

We really want the Critical Hit Chance Then Critical Hit Damage.
Attack speed will be the third to plug in the points.
Cooldown Last since we do not really need it.


Put in where you think you are lacking the priority here does not matter.


Area Damage first since that clears out big packs a lot faster!

Rest is up to you.

Build Guide

About the build:

  • Smooth and easy to play with incredible high speed with In-Goem that clears with Bone Tornado
  • Permanent InariusStacks and constant damage output while running
  • No skills you can’t cast while running because it’s a pain to cast them to have the Inariusstacks and with these on autocast you´ll always have the stacks ready.

Briggs´Wrath will automatically collect the trash mobs towards you while running to clear something while hunting the elites

  • Gameplay:
  1. Bone Armorand Devour (Only Devour if you take the Cannibalize Rune)on autocast (numlock trick! remember: numlock trick only casts, while you don’t hold/hit a button)
  2. Do NOT put Blood Rush on autocast this will throw you away when In-Goem procs
  3. Left klick to generate essence when needed, this is needed mostly outside the In-Goem proc
  4. Use Death Novato clear thrash while outside the In-Goem proc You need to use it once in a while to keep going.
  5. If you have In-Goem Active, then it is time to hunt the next elite pack and with everything going you should kill all the trash you pick up on the way.
  6. Use Blood Rushboth for utility.
  7. Get close enough to proc Frailty.
  8. Autocast / Numlocktrick:

The rest I feel is self-explanatory but feel free to comment below!

Best Regards Dominic