
[S11] Shadow Speed Goldfarm/DBs/Bounties/Rifts T13

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  • Companion Wolf Companion
  • Impale Ricochet
  • Vengeance Seethe
  • Vault Rattling Roll
  • Preparation Punishment
  • Shadow Power
  • Ambush
  • Hot Pursuit
  • Cull the Weak
  • Tactical Advantage


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Boon of the Hoarder

Kanai's Cube

  • Dawn
  • Goldwrap
  • Avarice Band

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide

With this slight variation to the Meta S6 Impale build, you will be able to farm Gold and DB's while speeding through bounties and normal Rifts! So now you can keep augmenting all your Greater Rift runs without running out of gold, since you need to farm keys anyways.

I was also able to complete the Boss Mode conquest (Kill all the act bosses in 20 Minutes on TX or higher) and Domination (complete a TXIII rift within 4 minutes) for the Season Journey.

This build is also completely viable for Console!

No need for Focus and Restraint, just by having decent rolls on all the pieces, you will already be steamrolling through T13. Maybe early in the season if you have bad rolls on your gear, low paragon or don't have an ancient weapon yet, consider dropping the difficulty a little bit. Rule of thumb here is: always aim to clear a normal rifts within 3-5 mins.

No FnR means we can also drop the generator, which only slows us down anyway. And at the same time bringing the playstyle a lot closer to the meta build.

To generate Hatred we use Vengeance with the Seethe rune, which by itself should cover your Hatred needs. But if you do run out, you have a backup refill in the form of Preparation - Punishment. If you still feel you are running out of Hatred too often, you can always switch the Wolf Companion to the Bat Companion for even more Hatred. But this should not be necessary. Preparation is probably already an overkill on hatred, so check below for some suggestions to change this skill slot if you feel you don't need it.

All your defense is covered by Boon of the Hoarder + Avarice Band + Goldwrap. If you happen to lose your Goldwrap buff often, you can replace the Hot Pursuit passive for Awareness as an extra safety net.

Swap Bracers according to the content you are running:
Warzechian Armguards for Bounties
Nemesis Bracers for Rifts

The Skill Slot for Preparation - Punishment is essentially open, so feel free to swap that out for something else.
I think that Preparation should still be the default option, as this smooths out the gameplay by ensuring we always have Hatred available.
Some suggestions:
Offensive option: Marked for Death - Valley of Death (= highest damage rune; but Contagion and Grim Reaper are also valid runes to boost your AoE a bit)
Defensive option: Fan of Knives - Bladed Armor

The passive slot Hot Pursuit is also open, so feel free to change this according to personal preference.
Some suggestions:
Single Out - Nice for RG kills
Sharshooter - Damage buff that stacks every second you don't crit
Awareness - Take this for HC or if your Goldwrap buff drops often
Perfectionist - Some extra toughness, but I think this is the least interesting option to take here.

For Speed Greater Rifts/Quick Gem Ups use:
Fan of Knives - Bladed Armor instead of Preparation - Punishment
Visage of Gunes and Elusive Ring instead of Goldwrap and Avarice Band in the Cube
Bane of the Powerfull instead of Boon of the Hoarder