
[2.4.1] Solo WD 80+ Carnevil LoN

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  • Poison Dart Spined Dart
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Spirit Walk Jaunt
  • Fetish Army Legion of Daggers
  • Soul Harvest Languish
  • Big Bad Voodoo Slam Dance
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Pierce the Veil
  • Fetish Sycophants
  • Spirit Vessel


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Simplicity's Strength
    • Enforcer
    • Bane of the Stricken

Kanai's Cube

  • The Dagger of Darts
  • Mask of Jeram
  • Convention of Elements

It's more important to have an ancient 'trifecta' glove than to have the (small) damage boost from Tasker and Theo. Of course a perfectly rolled TnT would be nice. I stopped trying after 200 re-forge attempts (no exaggeration).

Hellfire passives:

- Creeping Death: makes the damage boost from Piranhado last forever. Very nice, it's what I use.

- Swampland Attunement: It used to be more important before the changes to mob damage (2.4.1), I have an ammy with this. I never use it.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

The standard: movement speed to 25 then dump everything into Intelligence.
AS > CHC > CHD (unless using Shin Mizu Haori, then AS > CHD > CHC)
Life > Armor > Regen
LoH > AD

Build Guide

Mandatory Gems: SS, Enforcer
Good Gems: Stricken (for the RG), Gogok (for the AS)

Okay Gems: Powerful (if you get in close a lot), Zei's (if you stay away a lot)

Game play:
You are always trying to position yourself in a direct line with the most mobs 'down range'.

Cast Piranhado to group mobs together, and to pull them away from you.

Recast FA (if needed) to get your fets between you and those mobs.

Spirit Walk is used to get INTO and out of danger. The immunity will save you when entering rooms with hidden mobs.

Skill variant:
Trade out Soul Harvest for Hex:Jinx if you do not have a good Lukumba's Ornament.

Equipment with higher Intelligence rolls are better than ones with low rolls combined with perfect higher-priority stats. When pushing higher Greater Rifts those extra Int points become very important. For example: It's more important to have 5% CHC with 650 Int than 6% CHC with 550 Int on the wrists.

If you have to choose between The Kukri or the DoD, go with the Kukri. It's more important to have your FA and BBV cooldown than to have your darts pierce. It's important to have pierce for pushing, it's just of the two you will be able to live without pierce more than those cooldowns.

Follower Items:
A token with: Follower can't die
A weapon that procs lightning
The Ess of Johan for added CC
Wyrdward: procs 1.5s of stun
Freeze of Deflection: 1.5s of stun
Oculus Ring: 85% more damage

If you find it difficult to stay alive swap out the Oculus Ring for Unity. Those damage zones will get you killed, often. Swap out CoE for unity in the cube.

This Build plays 2-player very well with a zDPS monk!

(this is an update of my previous Season 5 build: http://www.diablofans.com/builds/73561-2-4-solo-wd-gr70-lon-p700-with-no-augments)