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  • Horrify Frightening Aspect
  • Spirit Walk Jaunt
  • Piranhas Piranhado
  • Locust Swarm Cloud of Insects
  • Haunt Poisoned Spirit
  • Soul Harvest Swallow Your Soul
  • Confidence Ritual
  • Grave Injustice
  • Spirit Vessel
  • Creeping Death


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Moratorium

Kanai's Cube

  • The Furnace
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • Ring of Emptiness


Brak Opisu w tym miejscu - nie moge wrzucic z polskimi literami .

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Build Guide


Hey. Welcome in my Guide

Let me swallow your soul and come with me to the Spirit World.

Remember if you allow souls control yourself, you die.

Jade Harvester - The Judge of Souls

[1] Set Powers !

(2p) Set: When Haunt lands on an enemy already affected by Haunt, it instantly deals 120 seconds worth of Haunt damage.

(4p) Set: Soul Harvest gains the effect of every rune and has its cooldown reduced by 1 seconds every time you cast Haunt or Locust Swarm.

(6p) Set: Soul Harvest consumes your damage over time effects on enemies, instantly dealing 300 seconds worth of remaining damage.

[2] How the Powers work ?

(2p) As description say, we deal 120s worth of haunt *damage* if enemy is already affected. What its mean ?
Comparing to (6p) bonus it isn't based on DoT's. The word key is *damage*. Haunt deal 4000% weapon *damage* over 12s,
so for 120s it's 40000% weapon *damage*, based value is doubled for Quetzalcoalt mask then it's 80000% weapon *damage* - Crazy !!

(4p) Simple power, cooldown is melting faster if our attack speed is higher, but remember !!
You mana become empty if the attack speed is too high.

(6p) Similar to (2p) power, but this time we dealing 300s worth (key-words now !) *of remaining damage*. Its mean - damage basing on *DoT's*.
If you want to know how many damage will you do (somewhere about) simple apply haunt and locust swarm on enemy and multiply the damage by 300.

[3] Gear

Six parts of Jade Harvester

Six parts, never five + RoRG.

Lakumba Bracers

Maybe s1/2 Jade players remember Strongarm Bracers, but now we need to fight with much stronger enemies.
Lakumba Bracers give us 6% Damage Reduction per Soul Harvest stack. It allow us to meet the souls closer.

Sacred Harvester

The weapon cooperate with our Lakumba Bracers ! Lets take it ! Increasing stack to 10 = More Damage Reuction.

Vile Hive

Find them, I will not wait!
AAAAAaa, the Mojo give us additional rune for Locust Swarm- the Pestilence and increase LS damage by 60%, It's around 10% overall.

Unity with Fallower

Some ppl use Kitty mojo and CoE ring instead Unity, but I want to recommend Unity + Vile Hive, Comparig Unity to Kitty mojo its a flat 50% damage reduction. When the Kitty mojo work once per enemy.

If you decide to play with friends you don't have a choose - CoE + Henri's Perquisition

Two parts of Endless Walk

The best ring + amu to fill our stuff. Mostly give us damage reduction during Progress and much damage boost during boss fight.

Haunting Girdle

Additional Spirit each Haunt cast. Improve your speed of infecting enemies .


Bane of The Trapped

Must be, as soon as haunted enemies are counted as Crow-controlled enemies.

Bane of The Stricken

The boss fight without that gem is infinity. After 40-50s boss fight we deal crazy damage.


No Esoteric Alteration, no Mutilation Guard. Why? Because we fight near enemies, if we take Guard we will have only melee attack reduction. If we take Alteration, we will be protected only from Elemental damage. The Moratorium seems to be the best, it convert *every* source of damage to small DoT's (around 5k/s), we don't even feel that.



Grave Injustice

Each killed enemy reduce cooldowns by 1s, some skill and we are in Spirit Walk 95% time :)
The trick is to cast Soul Harvester when we are 100% sure we kill enough enemies to reduce Spirit Walk cooldown to 0.
Basically its about use Soul Harvest at the end of current Spirit Walk.

Confidence Ritual

As soon as we fight near enemies the passive is great.

Creeping Death

Increase DoT's to 3600s (1800s with Quetzalcoatl), it allow us to consume 300s from (6p) power of jade set.
5 times and we need to reapply Haunts and Locust Swarms. Its part of gameplay, counting how many times we Harvesting the enemy, to be safe simple recast LS every 4 Soul Harvest cast.

Spirit Vessel

Additional Life :)


Haunt - Poisoned Spirit

First source of DoT's. The rune increase also damage by 20%.

Locust Swarm - Cloud of Insects

Second source of DoT's. Defensive rune. Is not pair to poison damage but the LS damage is near 20% of total DoT's damage, so dont care about it.

Soul Harvest

(6p) power of jade make that skill very powerfull, button to deal crazy damage. Its also defensive, offensive and utility buffer, as healing, armor, and inteligence boost.

Spirit Walk - Jaunt

Well used can make us to immune, with some practice you will have almost 90% uptime, thanks Grave Injustice.

Piranhas - Piranhado

Group monsters, Damage booster (15%). Very helpful.

Horrify - Frightening Aspect

Stun enemies and give us 50% armor boost. No problems with hold the armor bonus forever.

[6]Gameplay Tricks

>Remember that Soul Harvester also healing you.

>Enemies are your friends since its useless trash that allow you to reduce cooldowns of Soul Harvester/Spirit Walk. Never fight with elites without them.

>Equip you follower in Oculus Ring.

>Always stack Soul Harvester stack when you start rift wihout affecting enemies, Piranhado > Spirit Walk > Soul Harvester .