
Barbarian GR 50+ Double Rend Build p2.2

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  • Rend Bloodbath
  • Whirlwind Blood Funnel
  • Overpower Killing Spree
  • War Cry Impunity
  • Battle Rage Bloodshed
  • Wrath of the Berserker Insanity
  • Berserker Rage
  • Weapons Master
  • Ruthless
  • Rampage


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Taeguk
    • Pain Enhancer

My gameplay was basically whirlwind through white trash applying double rend and selecting carefully the elites to kill. Keping WOTB only for bad Elite affixes like jailer/frozen combos, or rly big packs with bigger health pool mobs, to gain some extra time. Watching my convection of elemens buff and applying double rend while the phisical % bonus is on. (Something i gotta get used to little bit more, sence now i dont need to spam rend all the time to keep WOTB cd down.. like the other build)

Must say... Jailers are the worst specially if it catches you with WOTB cd not ready.

Obvously the items used are pretty str8 forward. I must add that my BK weapons dont have gift on them, because i thought ill use them only for farming t6... and kinda rerolled other stuff on them, and now i regret that because they are pretty good ancient rolls. Ideally i would love 2x800ish vitality on them extra.. Or maybe Life per Fury spend.
I got also hellfire amulet with superstition, wich obvously help with the survivability. Other options are ofcourse any of the immunity amulets.. even the cold one.

I think Convention of elements is better choice than stone of jordan, because you can get it with crit crit dmg and socket realy easy. And it works great with the rend dot. the 5 secs are enought to apply it. Not to mention the insane rng you need to get a good SoJ.... with socket, and phisical dmg bonus...
Use puprle gem in helm. Diamonds everywhere alse.

I thought some1 already did a build for double rend.. but i didnt see it and decided to make this one. Sorry if there another one.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Cooldown Reduction
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Life on Hit
Gold Find

Pretty standart considering the paragons. Not sure about the attack speed over the cdr, sence pain enhancer gives you a lot of attack speed at rank 25... and to calculate breakpoints its a mess with him. I actually put on cdr instead.

Build Guide

Saw a thread in the forums where ppl have achieved a greater rift 50-53+ without the 4pc IK bonus, only using 6pc Wastes. So i decided to try something like that.

In the topic the guy suggested Witching Hour for belt, or String of ears for additional toughness. I decided to actually take advantage from the Lamentation belt. And i together with the Convection of elements , and Overpower's 8 chc buff.. to maximize my rend dmg. I was supripced that i actually completed gr50 for 8mins. And 51 for 14mins. Both were pretty bad RNG. Where i died 4 times each with 20 secs death penalty.

I think this build has the pottential to reach 55+. But its realy RNG dependable.

My profile http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Draken-2353/hero/58414730