
Grift 55+ Solo Melee Tal Rasha perma lockdown.

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  • Electrocute Arc Lightning
  • Blizzard Frozen Solid
  • Teleport Calamity
  • Hydra Mammoth Hydra
  • Ice Armor Crystallize
  • Magic Weapon Force Weapon
  • Elemental Exposure
  • Illusionist
  • Arcane Dynamo
  • Unstable Anomaly


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Simplicity's Strength
    • Pain Enhancer

Item build: The item build is pretty straight forward. Aquire 6 piece Tal Rasha + Parthans Defenders and you are good to go for atleast 45+. The build does allow for some variation in item build as shown but the recommended items are the best setup and will allow for 55+ Grifts solo.

If you are not running a sparker tasker is an absolute must.

Other variation is to play without Unity if you get a perfect melee rift without any ranged mobs it may be possible to do so but wouldn't recommend it.

Legendary gems: Bane of the Trapped is a must. After futher testing I swapped out Molten Wilderbeest for Simplicity's Stregth as you can survive well enough without molten if you get used to it and at higher lvl simplicity will actually allow your primary to do more dps then your hydra with Arc Lightning change also due to electrecutes very high attack speed. Last gem can be whatever you want but Pain Enhancer will give the absolute best result and would call it mandatory too once/if you swap out taskers. You can still use molten as a comferter.

Couldn't chose but you want to roll Hydra damage and Meteor damage% where you can. Once you get closer to full ancient gear or/and are comfertable with your toughness rolling Electrecute on legs and belt will actually be a significant dps boost with high Simplicity and in higher Grifts.

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Gold Find

Pretty straight forward and only questionable option is life regen over life if you play with molten wilderbeest.

Build Guide

Other guides:

Check out my other guides:

Firebird group 60+ 2.2 The Phoenix is still alive.

Grift 55+ Solo Optimal Tal/Ranslor's Folly.

2.2 Elemental Speedster. Fastest T6/Grift 35+ build.[/header]

This build is all about being agressive in your fast and fast pased blinking all over the place and stunlocking everything to death.

The build is inspired by Spideru and his melee build guide here: http://www.diablofans.com/builds/53464-2-2-gr55-solo-a-melee-wizard-of-fire-and-ice that we both tested variations of a lot on ptr at the end of season 2 with 55+ result after Hydra nerf. Unstable Anomoly can be whatever you want really. Glass Cannon, Cold Blooded, Audacity or Conflagoration.

My build: is very similar but with some changes I found better and had overall more progress with personally. The biggest diference is this is not a flame blade vamp up build and uses electrecute instead (any lightning rune will do). This allowed me to put in 20% extra damage off the bat with force weapon instead of having to use a lightning skill. While flame blades can potentially vamp your fire/hydra dmg to insane heights I found the overall damage throughout the rift higher and faster paced with this setup and also allowed to deal with ranged mobs and Rift guardians better in my opinion.

Playstyle: The playstyle is very agressive and fast paced as mention and you want to move as fast as possible to as many mobs as possible. The basic playstyle is having 5 stacks of arcane dynamo up for your hydra and the get your 4 stacks of tal up as fast as possible while having all mobs locked down with calamity or frozen solid.

What I usuall do is get 5 stacks of arcane dynamo up, teleport in (calamity doesn't consume arcane dynamo but does proc both arcane meteor and add a tal rasha stack) drop hydra, pick my area to cast frozen solid and last use electrecute for last Tal Rasha stack and to be able to drop a 2nd arcane dynamo hydra + blizzard and electrecute before Tal Rasha buff runs out and be prepared for next pack.

Once you get the playstyle down it will come almost automaticly dropping 2x arcane dynamo hydras + 2 blizzards within the same full Tal Rasha buff and be ready to move on or repeat on elite packs. With very low paragon lvl you should have np managing your AP and extra blizzards can be cast if needed. Of course use Teleport to survive if you have to. This is the only thing that can really slow you down if having TP on cooldown but can be fixed in so many ways. Easiest by just changing cast order on next pack as long as you use arcane dynamo stacks on hydra. Small tips to get TP back up you can purposly step into minor elite affixes like electrified, molten, plagued and etc etc.

Seasonal: Only thing to say for seasonal players is Iceblink gem will be worth looking into and I will myself once seasons start. Tested and the 3 gems listed are by far the optimal use but Iceblink can be used also for possible change to snowbound rune instead if you spam blizzard that much or have trouble with your AP.

Anyways that's it for now. Will upload videa when/if I get the time. Good luck on your 55+ Grift progress and shoutout to Spideru inspiration on this build and testing it out alot.



Swapped out Molten for Simplicity as you can survive without Molten and Simplicity helps too. And as a result changed primary to Arc Lightning to actually allow your primary to out dps your hydra once you get the simplicity gem around 40-45'ish. Also Changed back to Pain Enhancer as it futher boosts your Electrecute dps and hydras.

Changed Tal Rasha gloves to recommended as the optimal pick for the build is Sparker and will allow an extra slot to swap out of a Tal piece like a good rolled HF neck with either more dps or more defence passive on it for best choice since there are so many good passive to use in this build.


Updated guide for better visability and clearer describtion of items and build.

Futher testing of missed items/spells making PE to almost mandatory category now.

Minor change to Paragon lvl moving Life per hit up to top as AP shouldn't not be an issue once you've collected the gear needed.

Electrecute damage on belt and legs added for higher lvl gear.