
Bladestorm Monk - The fastest T6 Farming Build

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  • Way of the Hundred Fists Blazing Fists
  • Sweeping Wind Blade Storm
  • Cyclone Strike Implosion
  • Mantra of Conviction Annihilation
  • Dashing Strike Radiance
  • Epiphany Desert Shroud
  • Seize the Initiative
  • Determination
  • Momentum
  • Harmony


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Pain Enhancer
    • Gogok of Swiftness
Mandatory Weapon: >>> http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/vengeful-wind <<<
The entire build is designed around this item! Awkwardly, DFan's currently doesn't have the item in the "Build creator" Item database!

15% Sweeping Wind Damage, both Shoulders and Chest is also strongly advised.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Attack Speed
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Cooldown Reduction


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Gold Find
Paragon Point priority:
Core: Cap Movement speed>Dex
Defense: All Res>Armour>Life>LPS
Utility: LoH>RCR>AE Dmg>GF

Build Guide

Quin69 here!
For those of you who don't know me i am a massive nerd and have been playing the 2.1 PTR + Live servers religiously since they have been up.

Speaking as a monk with multiple rank 1 titles for every season of the PTR, This has given me some insight into what builds work for higher GR's and builds that don't.

Sweeping wind Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ssTgRKlp2wOnNNTg8XHStHDpajp6iYhnHfUDK7RjD_Q/edit?usp=sharing

Mandatory Weapon:
>>> http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/vengeful-wind <<<

Mandatory gems:
Bane of the Trapped
Pain Enhancer

Third gem:
Taeguk - if you can maintain 100% up-time this gem performs the best!
Gogok of swiftness - Lazy mans alternative, a lot less effort and its still very competitive with taeguk

Alternative generators:
WOTF - Assimilation (heaps of AOE dmg but lacks single target. And you have to be aware of the buff)
Deadly Reach - Foresight (slightly less damage output overall - but it does also proc strong arms)

Skill variations:
Mantra of Salvation - Agility (if your getting killed all the time, you can run a defensive mantra)
Mystic ally - Fire ally (if you are running inna's swap out mantra, if you want to be a beast ~ swap out epiphany)

Passive variations(+hellfire bonus):
Sixth Sense (if your gear isn't optimized for harmony, or if you want to go more defensive)
Near Death Experience (if you play HC)


Q: Why not snapshot SW with Mythic Rhythim?
A: 40% Multiplicative damage would be amazing... But its bugged =(
(for those of you who don't believe me, do your tests again ~ but move 50yds)

Q: What gem should i put in my helmet socket?
A: Diamond. CDR = Dmg + Survivability!

Q: What normal gems should i put in my chest/pants?
A: Diamonds until your all resistance is over 800, Then the rest emeralds(dex gems).

Q: What follower should i use?
A: Survivability: Templar.
DPS: Enchantress > Scoundrel.

If you liked the guide, then come follow my stream @ >>> www.twitch.tv/quin69 <<< for more monk action!
When i go live, Any questions that you guys have - i can answer for you live on stream! I will also be posting YouTube guides on my twitch channel soon!

Be sure to check back on the guide every now and then! as i am always making minor changes.

Note: I will try answer as many questions as i can! and will read all of your posts, but obviously doing a gear-check for each one of you bros or re-answering the same question over and over will take all day :P If you want a direct answer come follow the stream <3