
Rolling Thunder (Lightning Build)

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  • Way of the Hundred Fists Hands of Lightning
  • Dashing Strike Quicksilver
  • Sweeping Wind Cyclone
  • Mantra of Healing Boon of Inspiration
  • Cyclone Strike Eye of the Storm
  • Exploding Palm Shocking Grasp
  • Harmony
  • Sixth Sense
  • The Guardian's Path
  • Transcendence


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Gogok of Swiftness
    • Simplicity's Strength
    • Wreath of Lightning

Paragon Priorities


Primary Stat
Movement Speed
Maximum Resource


Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed
Cooldown Reduction


Life Regeneration
Resist All


Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Area Damage
Gold Find

Build Guide

The Ring of Royal Grandeur is a must for this build. If you don't have one, you can farm one fairly easily from the bounty rewards. You are aiming for get the set bonuses from three different sets: Blackthorne's 4-set, Aughild's 3-set, and the Raiment of a Thousand Storms. Blackthornes and Aughilds sets are purely defensive. Blackthorne's immunity to Desecrator, Molten, and Plagued coupled with Countless Julia's Cameo's Arcane immunity and healing eliminates many abilities that hurt. Aughild's and Blackthorne's also add extra dmg reduction against elites by quite a bit.

The Raiment of a Thousand Storms, Weapons, and Legendary Gems provide the dmg you need.

Skills - Must Haves: Sweeping Wind, Cyclone Strike, and Exploding Palm. The main combo that you are aiming for is getting 3 stacks of Sweeping Wind to create lightning tornadoes, pulling in mobs with Cyclone Strike, and blowing them up with Exploding Palm. After that you can choose your own skills to fit your style. Keep in mind that lightning is your friend with this build.

Passives: I chose some very defensive passives. I did so because I hate dying and have found that I can live very comfortably pulling multiple elite packs on higher torment levels. These passives are not set in stone however. They can be switched out for more offensive ones if you feel you need to do more damage.

The great thing about this build I think is that it is a lot of fun and it is very customizable. You can switch gear and skills in and out to fit your own playstyle.

Another nice thing about the build is that you don't need all the gear. One can start small with +Lightning % and +Crit dmg% and build up to the set pieces.