
Non-M6 Cold Farming

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Types: Cold, Attack Speed, Critical Hit Chance (CHC)


  • Hungering Arrow Devouring Arrow
  • Elemental Arrow Frost Arrow
  • Marked for Death Mortal Enemy
  • Vault Tumble
  • Companion Wolf Companion
  • Sentry Polar Station
  • Archery
  • Cull the Weak
  • Steady Aim
  • Awareness


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Build Guide

This build is for farming if you don't have M6. Of course, feel free to replace pieces as you acquire Marauder.

The goal of the build is to do a considerable amount of AOE Cold damage with Frost Arrows. Keep Mark of Death up on any beefy targets to help your Hatred stay full longer. Let your wolf (wolves if you have Garwulf) tank for you, and use Polar Turrets for extra damage and especially to apply slow whenever you don't have Hatred for Frost Arrows (this way your Devouring Arrow can still do serious work when combined with the new Depth Diggers which can add up to +100% damage to primary generators).

If you aren't getting close to dying, but don't have enough damage for a higher Torment, consider switching the passive Awareness out for Ambush to get some extra damage.

Try to farm up a Ring of Royal Grandeur as soon as possible as it's a huge boon with set bonuses (Google "Junger rules" if you don't know how to get a RORG).

Try to get a Bane of the Trapped and socket it for your first legendary gem slot as it synergizes very well with this build. If you have high CHC, your next Legendary gem choice is Pain Enhancer. You can go for Enforcer with Garwulf, but it's not nearly as good as if you had M6. If you have a third legendary gem slot, consider Enforcer or Bane of the Powerful.

Comments and questions are welcome!