Wyatt Cheng and Jay Wilson on 1.0.5, Blizzard Comic Contest Winner, Curse Weekly Roundup

Wyatt Cheng and Jay Wilson on 1.0.5
IGN was able to talk to both Wyatt and Jay about patch 1.0.5. Below are some quick highlights from the article about the new features coming in 1.0.5. Make sure to check out the full article over on IGN.
  • "The goal of the system is to allow players set a monster power level, and the higher they set the level the bigger the bonuses they'll get to magic find, experience and loot drops -- but the harder the game will be."
  • Monster Power will work in all difficulties, including Normal.
  • "At level 60 players can find various objects to put together a device that will allow them to fight more powerful bosses hidden throughout the game,"
  • PvP will be ready when it's ready. They want to make it the best they can. "the original hope was this year, but they're focused on making its quality up to their standards."

Blizzard Comic Contest Winner

Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

And the comic contest winner for August, 2012, is ... Heather Scoggins (Theodel).

The talented winner will receive a DC Unlimited StarCraft® Premium Series 2: Tychus Findlay Action Figure. Congratulations! In September, we’ll be giving away a SteelSeries Diablo® III Headset to the winner of the next Blizzard Comic Contest.

Keep those comics coming, and you might be the next artist to take home a prize! Also, be sure to set aside some time to check out our Warcraftand StarCraft comic sections.

Diablo III Inferno Booster Pack Winners
The winners for this weeks Booster Pack have been selected! Congratulations to our US winner Nacho_ijp and our EU winner Pebaar. If you did not win this week, fear not! The contest will return again on Friday for another chance at free loot.

Curse Weekly Roundup
In this weeks roundup: the November 18th launch of the WiiU, Guild Wars 2 for hitting the mark of 2 million copies sold, The first set of games are pushing in under the Steam Greenlight project, Endermen and Blue Cave Spiders come to XBox 360, Terraria comes to XBLA and PSN, and finally NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660 and 650 have arrived!


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