
Akkhan's Microwave GR80+

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  • Shield Glare Divine Verdict
  • Iron Skin Steel Skin
  • Steed Charge Draw and Quarter
  • Akarat's Champion Prophet
  • Laws of Justice Decaying Strength
  • Heaven's Fury Blessed Ground
  • Finery
  • Holy Cause
  • Heavenly Strength
  • Towering Shield


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Stricken
    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Bane of the Powerful

Kanai's Cube

  • Eberli Charo
  • Aquila Cuirass
  • Unity

It is possible to switch Eberli Charo with Shield of Fury in cube. But it depends on the stats both items have.

1)Let's assume you have a perfect Shield of Fury (15% heaven's fury, 8% cdr and 9-10% crit chance with 20% heaven's fury ramp up), then, if you cube charo you will have 100% dps.

2) Keep in mind that Eberli Charo is a very old shield and is not considered a CRUSADER SHIELD at all. So it cannot roll Heaven's Fury damage, sadly! Let's assume you have perfect Eberli Charo (10% chc and 8% cdr) and you cube Shield of Fury. This way you will have around 90% dps.

3) Now let's assume you have a mediocre Shield of Fury with 15% ramp up and you are still cubing Eberli Charo. It's around 80% dps.

So, IT DEPENDS. If you have a really good Shield of Fury (with around 20% ramp up), roll HF damage there and equipping it will be around 10% better than cubing it.


1) Fate of the Fell is mandatory. Triples your chances to kill things/triple AOE damage

2) Shield of Fury + Bracers of Fury are mandatory. It's those things that do actual damage.

3) Eberli Charo is just for HF spam and no downtime. Without Eberli Charo and even with perfect CDR you will have around 3 seconds of "nothing"(running around like an idiot for example). It's just bad. I tried using Furnace instead of Eberli Charo, but it's terrible.

4) Unity with CDR can be equipped and COE cubed, for potential 15% more elite damage

5) Running Endless Walk set is not 100% mandatory i believe, since it's very hard to be stationary. It's mostly for damage reduction and dps boost. Hellfire amulet is a very good option! However, for now EW is very hard to drop, since it's DPS boost is so massive.


5th Passive: Indestructible

RORG in cube.

Possible items to wear:

1) Leoric's Crown. This way we can drop Vigilante Belt and use Witching Hour or String of Ears.

2) Illusory boots. Really good option here.

3) ?


There are couple of interesting options here.

Bane of the Stricken and Bane of the Trapped are mandatory. Third gem is an option.

1) Bane of the Powerful if you want to kill elites faster (and if you can kill an elite at least every 1-2 minutes to refresh it)

2) Zei's Stone of Vengeance. It's actually a very good DPS option for a more "ranged" play. But i have my doubts it counts damage range from the toon and not from the rays themselves. So, it's a matter of choice and needs to be tested more. Also it's pretty hard to be ranged as you need to blind enemies and cast judgement as well.

3) Esoteric Alteration/Gizzard. More defensive gameplay. Much more toughness. With Esoteric you can also use all rubies in chest/pants for more DPS. This is how i tried to finish 77! 76 was done with BOTP.


All diamonds in chest/legs/pants/helm. Can be switched to Rubies (except helm of cause) if you are tough enough.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Primary Stat
Maximum Resource


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Area Damage
Life on Hit
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

speed> stat



area damage--> loh

Build Guide

Hey guys!

First of all i would like to thank one of my youtube subscribers, TheLowrien for idea to use Blessed Ground for FOTF build variation. I had my doubts that it will work, but in reality it works even better and smoother than the Fires of Heaven! So, thank you, TheLowrien for this idea!

In fact Blessed Ground was used before, few ptr's ago, when there was a major thorns bug and people were breezing through GR100+ with it. But after the fix, it was completely forgotten again.

What i like about this build is the AOE oriented-damage and very active "run around" gameplay. Also we have a flat damage reduction of Aquilas Cuirass and no wrath spender at all here. So it has much more toughness than the classic "Shotgun" version. Lastly, the gameplay feels really smooth and solid, with all skills alighned well.

GR70 was much easier to finish, than with the classic Shotgun build!

UPDATE 14/09/16: GR71 cleared with zero augments!

UPDATE 15/09/16: GR75 cleared with zero augments!

UPDATE 17/09/16: GR76 cleared with zero augments! https://youtu.be/e1vsVhPoI9A


1) Ascendancy rune does 30% more damage than Blessed Ground. But it's extremely hard to catch mobs in the rays, and also Blessed Ground's AOE is massive. So it's much.. muuuch more reliable and results in more "effective dps".

2) You need classic 56% cdr to have 100% uptime of Akarath's Champion. Loosing 8% cdr on Shield will result in 1,25 seconds downtime of AC.

3) Heaven's Fury rolls on chest, shoulders and SHIELD are BIGGEST DPS boosts that you can have. Even 1% more percent is important.

4) Towering Shield passive is very important. It allows you to have 100% uptime of Shield Glare (with all cdr it's 3,7 cooldown and 4 seconds uptime). Without one 8% cdr roll it's still 100% uptime.

5) I can't understand if Blessed Ground procs Area Damage or not. To be tested. But there's not much spots to roll area damage except shoulders.

6) I believe Bane of the Stricken stacks through the shield glare and judgement, but not with Blessed Ground/rays. I have my doubts that BOTTS is good here at all since it's a completely DOT build. Needs to be tested. I noticed that RG dies faster when he's on lower health though.

7) Stand in Oculus Ring as much as possible!

8) I believe an optimized build can do 80+, maybe even get to 85 with augments. DPS is the only problem. With Esoteric it is possible to survive.


1) Iron Skin - Steel Skin(53% uptime), Flash (30% uptime), Decaying Strength (38% uptime) can all be mixed/changed/vice versa. I prefer Flash.

2) Judgement - Mass Verdict/Debilitate. A little more "pulling" of mobs. Like Vacuum, but worse. Debilitate can be used instead of Decaying Strength/Iron Skin.

3) Condemn - Vacuum, instead of Iron Skin/Laws, for more density.

4) Laws of Valor - Critical, more DPS.

5) Overall, Judgement is not MANDATORY for cc/proccing Bracers of Fury. It's uptime is around 65% and not 100% like Shield Glare. It's like an extra tool for damage reduction and cc.

good CDR calculator here:


or just load: http://www.d3planner.com/

Thank you!
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