
King of Frozen Earth (2.1.2 in progress)

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  • Rend Mutilate
  • Seismic Slam Permafrost
  • Leap Call of Arreat
  • Earthquake Chilling Earth
  • Call of the Ancients Duty to the Clan
  • War Cry Impunity
  • Superstition
  • Bloodthirst
  • Earthen Might
  • Animosity


More Details
  • Legendary Gems

    • Bane of the Trapped
    • Gem of Efficacious Toxin
    • Taeguk

I like Taeguk for this build but if u don't like it switch with anyone u want.

Trapped and Toxin, imho, are best in slot in this spec since extreme CC and AoE.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Chance
Critical Hit Damage
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Gold Find
Resource Cost Reduction

Core: Cap movement speed, reach the Fury pool u are comfortable with then full primary stat.

Offense: u can decide either to use points in CDR as filler to reach at least 25% or use them all and free a stat slot on gloves or weapon.

Defense: It's self explanatory but if u have enough Life swap Life% with Life Regen in order of priority.

Utility: NEVER spend a single point in Resource cost reduction, EVER!

Build Guide

SoJ, Strongarm and amulet with + Cold Damage, cdr on Helm gem and Shoulders. Weapons: If Dual Wield go for Utar's Roar and Azurewrath as weapons, if one of the main weapons is missing replace with Sun Keeper, Rhimehart or Thunderfury. If 2H the one and only Wrath of the Bone King (Obv a Furnace, especially an Ancient one is the best weapon for every 2h spec). Life Regeneration: Try to get Life per Fury spent on the IK Belt and as much Health Globe bonus as possible. Fury Pool: If Dual Wield aim for 160, if 2h around 190 should be the right spot. CDR: If Dual Wield try to reach at least 35%, if 2H 25% is enough but a little more, if possible, will smooth the cicle. Spec Changes: If Dual Wield switch Animosity with Rampage/Weapon Master (or a passive u like) and Rend with Battle Rage-Bloodshed (or a buff/spender skill u like). Legendary Gems: Bane of the Trapped, Taeguk, Gem of Efficacious Toxin are my main choices with this build Console Users: Thanks to Legacy360 appears that this build is viable for console users, there are probably some tips and tricks that i don't know, cause i don't have a console version of RoS, but if anyone, using this build on consoles, have some to share i'll add in the guide. Video: Zlex Pro made a really really good video of my build and i'm grateful to him for his work. Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1N_4Kao8Fw subscribe his channel if u like the video. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 1: The new Wrath of the Bone King may be the best way to go with this spec, i'm testing it on ptr. Credits go to Leland814 for the idea of the reworked Bone King 2h weapon.

Update 2: I've done some testing in reguards of dual vs 2h (some t6 rift and a GRift for every configuration). Here are my observations: With dual wield the speed of seismics consume fury really fast, so i decided to increase CDR from 25% to roughly 35% ( i've lost some crit and all res) and now leap and seismic are near perfect sync, maybe some more CDR and GG. Still, between leaps, i had to use something to dump the fury generated by leaps and i opted to change Animosity with Rampage/Weapon Master and reduce the fury pool from 180 to 160, then i have changed Rend with Battle Rage(Bloodshed) to get back some of the damage lost on equip for CDR and a little dump of fury between leaps if needed (good heal from Life per fury spent too). Overall a more frenetic action and a very good damage. Fastest Rift T6 out of 3 was 9 Minutes and GRift i failed lvl 28 for a bunch of seconds. With 2H, Wrath of the Bone King (1400dps 25%cold), things go very different, due to the slow pace of seismics, i left CDR at 25% and increased my fury to 190 (i could reach 200 if i spend 10 more paragon on fury). Surprisingly i still need to dump fury, to not waste it, so i left my spec unchanged cause now Seismic Slam, Earthquake and Rend do a massive amount of damage. I've lost 10% cold damage but my overalll damage seems increased a little, even with a crappy rolled Wrath of the Bone King. Fastest Rift T6 out of 3 8 minutes and GRift i failed lvl 30 for 20 seconds. I'll do some more testing to see if i'll be lucky with density and reach a better performance, hopefully drop a better Azurewrath and Bone King. I hope in a Rhimehart to drop to test it, the change Blizz have done made me curious about the damage output of the proc. Let's prey RNGod.

Update 3: I've tested those Legendary Gems in these days, and selected some of them to use in this build. Let's go with the list: Bane of the Trapped: increased damage on CCed enemies, and this gem will sinergize with herself at lvl 200 25, a must have. Taeguk: increased damage after spending resource and increased armor, considering the high spam of fury spenders is easy to mantain the stacks, a must have. Moratorium: 30% of the damage being staggered overtime with 10% chance to clear the staggered damage, it became my third choice in GRifts, so much hidden toughness. Bane of the Powerful: Increased damage after killing an elite pack and +% damage on elites, an exceptional LGem but got replaced with Moratorium in GRifts due to my playstyle. Wreath of Lightning: Mini conduit + movement speed, a good rune but propbably do not suit this build well, the movement speed buff is good for fast positioning only. Enforcer: Increase pet damage and pets take less damage, the use of perma CotA doesn't mean this LGem is for it, in this build Ancients ar there to give 10% crit and act as shield, so i think this gem is wasted here. Mirinae, Teardrop of the Starweaver: Smite on hit + periodical auto smite, this is a subpar with the mini Conduit one, the damage output is not bad but it's not the optimal LGem for this build imho.

Update 4: A fellow friend gave me a Rhimeheart on the ptr, sadly was already with a socket and gave it back but i tested the proc. Many says that the Frozen prerequisite is a limit, but as long as this build permafreezes anything, i saw it proc quite "frequently", not as much as a Thunderfury obv, but the damage is very high (i saw some 120/130 M damage if crit) and speeds up the trash disposal a lot. Rhimeheart looses most of the benefits against elites/champions and Rift/Grift guardian due to diminishing return on the freeze effect but still is a strong candidate for over 35 GRift. I hope Blizz will double the proc rate cause is frustrating that the rarest weapon in the game is subpar of others that drops more frequently.

Update 5: Since a long time i didn't played this build constantly, but in these days i got some time to revise it. I put up my equip, some pieces are better than the old i had, and done some greater rift in solo. I've got a blast when i tried my previous limit with this build, GR30, it was a walk in the park. I reached my new limit at GR36 (35 done with 10 seconds remained). I'm happy that i could do so well after so much time not playing this build, i was too much on Raekor that i forgot how fun this one was. In these days i'll try to perfect some rolls on pieces and give it a better try.