Necromancer Blizzard Q&A: Unique Class Weapon, Golem, and Gameplay Information
Earlier today, Blizzard hosted a Facebook Q&A with three members of the Diablo 3 team: Lead FX Artist Julian Love, Community Manager Brandy Camel, and Sr. Game Designer Travis Day. This Q&A focused on the Necromancer, the upcoming class that was announced at BlizzCon last year. While the Q&A didn't include any information about the Necromancer launch date or pricing, the team did discuss many gameplay elements such as curses, sets, and more.
- The Diablo 2 Necromancer was used as a base for the Diablo 3 Necromancer.
- Though a massive undertaking, Revive is returning.
- The Necromancer is darker than the Witch Doctor, with a focus on blood and bone.
- Also different from the Witch Doctor, pets are more controllable to some degree.
- A new corpse mechanic has been invented for the Necromancer to use.
- Aspects from the Poison skill tree from Diablo 2 are not planned to be implemented, as that would encroach on the Witch Doctor.
- A lot of Necromancer skills are up close and personal.
- There are no plans to bring Iron Maiden forward to the Diablo 3 Necromancer.
- There is no defined number yet (and no plans to set a number) for Necromancer summons. It's more of a server performance concern than a client concern.
- Necromancers can wield any weapon that is not class specific.
- They will have their own class weapon: scythes.
- Necromancers will have golems, and they're working on a new golem type.
- 4 to 5 types of golems are planned.
- Damage can come from both the Necromancer and the Necromancer's pets.
- There will be two-handed scythes.
- There will be a variety of Necromancer pets - some permanent and some temporary. Skeletal archers and mages will be making an appearance.
- The Necromancer currently has no DoT spells.
- Current spells are nukes, pets, and utilities. This separates the Necromancer from the DoT-heavy Witch Doctor.
- There are no plans for a special Necromancer form.
- There are no designs for a support-specific Necromancer.
- Necromancers will release to PC and consoles at the same time.
- There will be curses. Lots of curses.
- The lore for the Diablo 2 Necromancer is different from the Diablo 3 Necromancer.
- There will be no pet command interface different from the standard UI.
- It's believed that you'll need RoS to have the Necromancer, as it's a standalone pack.
- Necromancer will have four dungeon sets - one for each dungeon.
- A lot of Necromancer blood skills will cost health along with essence, so there are a lot of mechanics built in to recoup health.
- It's unknown if Lidless Wall will become a Necromancer item.
I hated golems in d2 and I'll hate them in d3. They are not necromancer pets.
and you do know theres a lot of other games out there right? if i like a game, that doesnt mean im gonna play it straight trough for years and ignore everything else that is out there...but the fact that i return to it over and over again is a good sign dont you think?
if youre having fun with poe, thats great, play it, but want to answer my question?
oh, and checking out the steamcharts, you can see that leaving and returning the game is common in poe too, because you know, checking out the new stuff in the league, playing for some time and then go play something else.
oh and the swearing? i guess youre referring to 'a fuckton' and 'i dont give a fuck'? thats just phrases i like to use.
of course is a longterm - players point valid. i never said anything against it
this was about poe players comments on diablo related stuff, where they always advertise their game and point out what flaws diablo has in their opinion and originally i asked why they do that, because i dont get it.
i never said diablo is perfect, i never said poe is shit.
I believe this.