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PTR 2.4 Going Offline
As a preparationf or the launch of Patch 2.4 next week, the PTR servers will be brought offline on Monday, January 11. No more fun runs with insane legendary drop ratios from that day onwards. See the post below.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
In preparation for the launch of Patch 2.4.0, the Patch 2.4.0 PTR servers will be brought offline on Monday, January 11 at 5:00 p.m. PST. At that time, players will no longer be able to log into the PTR client, and PTR accounts (including character information) will be reset.
We've marked our PTR forums as read-only as part of our preparations. We will be removing access to the PTR forums when the PTR goes offline, so please take some time to archive any of your posts or information you may want to reference later.
We'd like to thank everyone who has participated in the Patch 2.4.0 PTR. You've done an incredible job of testing and providing feedback, and we greatly appreciate all your efforts!
We look forward to releasing Patch 2.4.0 to the public shortly and look forward to seeing you in Season 5!
Extra Stash Clarification
John Yang gave a reply explaining in the simplest manner how the extra stash space will work in Patch 2.4. Long story short, players will have 1 more tab right as the patch goes live, then one more tab for each Season - maxing out at 5 extra tabs after 4 seasons. Read below.
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Twitter)
trouble finding official response on extra stash space. Are they unlocked by completing set dungeons or season journey/achvs?1 extra stash tab immediately in 2.4 + 1 more per season via season journey = 5 extra max after 4 seasons
"You've done an incredible job of testing and providing feedback"
And they've done an awesome job at ignoring the feedback with lack of communication.
Let's say I have completed season 5 journey and now have 7 tabs.
How many tabs I will have in season 6 (at the start)?
Yeah... close the PTR forum on Friday morning but the PTR is open until Monday night. Another whole weekend of feedback from testers couldn't possibly be useful.
I like how when we ask about stash they point us to 3 month old news. Well, they are right we should not have expected them to change after feedback and testing.
Not sure about you but I'm still shoring up some of my various builds for show and tell. Having the weekend to test those last minute ideas (or push the limits of high end GR builds) is nice.
7 tabs
All those stash spaces should be given to all players immediately for gold. If people want to play season then good for them. Some people don't give a shit, and yet they force us to, by locking away what's absolutely mandatory, especially in HC, for everybody.
Best experiences providing feedback? This has been the WORST PTR by far. Almost ALL feedback given was ignored. WD remains broken as fuck. DH got nerfed and left behind. People don't want to play garbage seasons to unlock stash tabs. LoN was nerfed. list can go on and on.
It's almost as if you didn't play PTR at all.
Just because they didn't implement your bad idea doesn't mean it was ignored. The PTR forums are full of terrible ideas. They aren't going to reply to every forum topic. WD is in a very good spot. Multiple valid builds like every other class. DH wasn't nerfed at all. LoN was changed for good reason.
Solo DPS.
Wizard then.
As a non-seasonal player who's had a taste of seasons already, I don't find this an OK trade-off. I did season 2 in it's entirety and started season 3 but couldn't stomach having to go through the motions of gearing for higher Torments and building up resources to do your enchanting, etc. Whilst we have Haedrig's gift to ease this burden, the need for crafting mats is higher than ever with Kanai's cube. If worse comes to worse, I'm not looking forward to farming what ever number of mats I need to roll an ancient weapon via Kanai's cube (if it's like my IK BB then I'm looking at around 2000 DBs).
Add to the fact that there's a good number of players who are devoted, not because they grind out each and every season, but because they have stuck with the game since release but they play casually but have still reached P800-1000. I'm one of these players and whilst I consider myself casual as I don't put in more than 10hrs into the game on most weeks due to real life, getting to P886 and 50bil gold I think shows devotion to a game.
I've read that some people say the stash tab ought to be unlocked by 30hrs of play, others say 50-60hrs is probably more realistic for many casual players who know what they're doing. At the rate I play, unlocking the stash tab isn't just a taste... it's half the season. Extrapolate that over the year and I'm spending possibly half that time playing in a game mode I don't enjoy or want to be in.
Agree. I have the CE so 15 character slots. Every single one is on mule duty. I have 4 of my stash tabs all full with mats, gems, etc, and shared, non-class specific legendary items such as ancient well rolled belts, jewellery, bracers, and then one (usually) empty tab so I can offload gear on the character I want to play as.
The stuff I keep are class sets and any items designed to go with that set. If it's a useless legendary, then I bin it, if it's a jewellery set that hasn't been reworked, I put it on followers. If it's a non-ancient but good and rare leg (like a calamity), I'll hold onto it for reforging. I go through and do a stash clean up every 1-2 weeks to ensure I still have space to play the game. I'm at the point where I've stopped looking for the Hammerdin and Invokers sets because I don't have the room to hold them without crippling my ability to play.
This is ridiculous game design.
As you said, it's less frustrating to quit than be forced into season to get a good NS experience.
As a season only player who is only interested in completing the Journey, putting the stash tab there seems like an awful idea. Why aggravate your players? People know seasons exists. If they want to play it, they'll play it. Didn't half the development team get "moved to other projects" because they tried to tell players how and where to play back before RoS?
Similarly, to get the final portrait from the season you need to level a character to 70 on hardcore. Why? It isn't hard for anyone who is on that step of the journey. It isn't fun. If a player wanted to play hardcore they'd have done it before the final step of a season journey. Why not make it something like "kill 3 bosses before level 10 on hardcore on x difficulty?"
Want to buy soap? Well the supermarket thinks that it'd be good for you to take a 3 hour cooking class first. Because you might enjoy cooking!
Like to play solo? In season 4, we added a final part to the season journey that required you to go out and find some strangers who were willing to coordinate fishing for the right type of lucky rift to zoom through. Because we thought that would be a fun experience that you needed to take time out of your day to do.
"Because we know what you want, and you don't."
Proof? :
Oh.. Oh! The 'I'm better than you because I've cleared higher GR' game. I love this one!
GR82 solo wizard as of the last 2.4 PTR iteration. Why does this matter to you? We are all bound to have different experiences and opinions based on our testing from the PTR. Why not share these to further the discussion instead of just insulting me?
My feedback on the APS scaling of MW:Deflection was looked into and resolved:
Other things I reported or provided feedback on were adjusted:
While not all feedback I provided was acted on - issues such as the ones listed above were adjusted or resolved. I had a good experience with providing feedback this PTR.
Both WD and DH have cleared GR81+ solo, and just like wizard have multiple builds you can try to push at higher tier GR. If you had issues with specific skills or abilities not having feedback received, could you elaborate?
Blizzard listened to our complaints on stash space from previous seasons and gave us more stash space. Granted, we'll have to wait a year to get all 5 new tabs, but at least they're doing something about it. Oh, and you get one stash tab at the start of the season free. I agree that having to play seasons to get the extra stash tabs is a bit of a drag time wise, but at least they gave us a method of getting more.
LoN was nerfed, yet is still viable at higher GR on WD, DH, and Crusader. The two classes you mentioned are able to use LoN at higher GR!
Refer to my post above to see all the issues with WD. No one here is talking about how high each class can clear.
I don't quite understand why can't we just have 4 tabs personal stash for every our character and 2 tabs account stash for, well, account.
Why do we have to jump through seasonal loops to receive something so vital for gameplay, when the answer is plain, simple and already developed in previous Diablo game?