Popular Constructed Decks of the Week, Deck Spotlight: Murkadin, Garbage Cards Redeemed!
MSI MGA International Tournament, Kharazim Solo Healer Guide, Science of the Storm #14
Patch 6.2.2 Live This Week
Difficulty Overview
Our moderation manager Bagstone made an updated chart for the difficulty percentages. Players are still trying to figure out the exact percentages on some specific drops, like Keywarden drop rates. Check out his thread on our forums or over at Reddit.
Solo Builds for Season 4
Despite the benefits to party play, some players simply prefer to run solo for a multitude of reasons. Today we would like to highlight a couple of builds for players who prefer that playstyle. Check them out!
Anyone else thinks that the material distribution across the torment levels is BS? Should be more like 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 or sth. If you can split farm T10 then you shouldnt be bothered to do so many bounties. Also why the heck is T7 the same as T10?
Basically you want to do T7 bounties asap, and T8 speed rifts asap. The rest is icing.
Done a lot of Ubers T10 today. Organ drop rate of 3x75% seems about right (we had 80%)
x2 100% starts from T7 it seems, have done 10 times today, every single time it's x2 on T7