Hearthstone Patch 9166 - Tavern Brawls, New Heroes - Animated, New Card Backs
North America June Open, Heroes at the PC Gaming Show, The Mayhem Begins Showmatch
Patch 6.2 Developer Q&A - Ion Hazzikostas
Mortal Shroud D1 Remake
Feeling nostalgic? Would you revisit the first entry in the Diablo franchise while taking a break from D3? A recent thread over at Reddit brought up a Diablo 1 remake made on the Starcraft 2 Engine, by Ahli. WIth the Starcraft 2 Arcade play mode being free to play, anyone can try this out - and the user votes indicate it's a high quality mod. Check a few comparison screenshots below, or a video showcase if you got interested.
Zero Empathy vs GR 74
Zero Empathy has cleared an even higher Greater Rift, a level 74 with a really good rift layout and Pylon. Check the video out below, uploaded by EmpyrianGaming! We have to wonder - have they finally reached the limit this time?
There are a few D1 remakes on the Arcade. All of them unfortunately are abandoned.
that D1 remake is pretty cool. I never did get very far in D1 originally, but i have fond memories of it.
D1 can be very challenging to players even experienced one. It also has a very good atmosphere. I would like to play it again if it is on blizzard store.(make it more compatible to newer OS!)
Diablo: The Hell mod is also an honorable mention as well when talking of D1 remakes/mods. I've tried the HD Mod mentioned too, but The Hell truly turns the original D1 experience into something MUCH more challenging than vanilla.
Ill have to watch these later. Congrats on 74.