Paragon EXP Chart: Levels 1 - 2000
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since we last talked about Paragon EXP. All the way back in August of 2012 when we first leaked the full EXP chart up to level 100.
There has been some changes to the first 100 levels, but this time the chart goes up to 2000 (keep in mind, there is no limit). Currently in this chart, once you reach level 1500 - every level there after needs 2,147,483,647 per level.
This time around, to get level 1000, you will need a total of 726,480,000,000 Exp. Let the grinding begin! (click the picture to see the full sheet!)
Paragon Points Tabs
Also remember now with RoS - Paragon levels give your Paragon Points that you can spend!
DiabloFans Reaper of Souls Livestream
We're streaming the RoS beta Live on Twitch! Tune in to see awesomeness in action! Several legendaries dropped already!
You're welcome.
That was a long post of completly wrong info. You can't max out any category with 50 paragon levels. You should read on how it works, especaially before writing such a long post. You can only spend 1 point every 4 levels into a category. Paragon1 would go into base stats, Paragon2 would net you a point into another page, etc. They announced this, and it is to stop people from just maxing out 1 page first.
So after logging into PTR this EXP Curve is incorrect. Does anyone have the correct curve? Right now I have78,754,321,228 totalexperience,which would equate to pLVL 326 but PTR says pLVL 273.
Hi guys, do you know if there was any update on the table ? Is it still valid ? That means: 10 x P100 = P376 on RoS ?