Eighth Batch of Screenshots and Art

Blizzard has just released their eighth batch of screenshots (see here if you missed the seventh) for hitting the 725k 'Like' mark. Once again, we've got the high resolution versions at our disposal here on DiabloFans.

Click the images to bask in the glory of the high resolution versions that you likely won't see anywhere else!

The first image is a concept drawing of what looks to be the DiabloWiki.com - Witch Doctor Witch Doctor's Horrify skill.

The second picture is a screenshot from that same unknown dungeon, of the DiabloWiki.com - Demon Hunter Demon Hunter taking care of a couple of http://diablowiki.com/Zombies" class="wiki-link">http://media-diablofans.cursecdn.com/attachments/16/736/wiki2.gif" alt="DiabloWiki.com - Zombies"/> Zombies with her DiabloWiki.com - Bola Shot Bola Shot and DiabloWiki.com - Entangling Shot Entangling Shot.

25,000 more likes to go until the 750k mark where we can get some more images, and 11 more milestones until we hit the 1 million 'Like' goal. Go visit facebook.com/Diablo and 'Like' the page to speed the war effort!


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