DiabloFans.com Forum Consolidation!

We've changed the structure of some of the forums here at DiabloFans.com! The idea is to make it easier to get to the information and forum you're looking for.

We've moved several topics that were previously spread out and in unpopular forums into the new
Off-Topic Forum. We've also added prefixes to that forum which allow you to, when making a new thread, select a prefix (Art, Movies, TV, music, Blizzard, etc.). Using prefixes will also allow you to fine tune your searches.

We've also consolidated the Diablo 3 forum and made sub-forums for each of the new Diablo 3 Classes! We hope you enjoy these changes and find the site easier to navigate as we strive to bring you the best experience possible here at the #1 source for Diablo information on the web! If you have any suggestions, please let us know.


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