Top 10 Most Wanted and Unwanted Environments in Diablo 3

With BlizzCon over and news slowing down, Project XII has decided to write a new blog entry, this time covering the Top 10 Most Wanted and Unwanted Environments to see in Diablo 3, total total of 20. A snippet:

We may be playing a game that encompasses a hellish theme of death and destruction, but that doesn’t mean we want to see wrecked streets and mouldy sewers in every single act… and nothing else. We need variety! We need colour! We don’t want to spend half a game waist deep in poopy!

Of course, that doesn’t mean we want our devastation to be littered with daffodils and rainbows either: the reaction to Diablo 3’s gameplay video proved this. When it comes to choosing appropriate medieval environments to explore, Diablo players have very high expectations. Too dark, things get as monotonous as heck. Too bright and we might as well be playing “Hello Kitty: Dungeon Adventure” (a.k.a Mythos).



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