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    posted a message on PTR LeapQuake is dead

    Odd, I wasn't having that issue at all, was jumping at the same rate as on live. Its probably just you.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Skull Grasp is now..............

    This, along with the Rend change, should help to make WW competitive with all the other builds, rather then the current iteration where it can barely do GR 70.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on patch 2.4.1 idea for DH could be really nice
    Quote from Bleu42»

    Real talk here; all this super increased damage is really starting to bug me. Really? We need UE to increase by 4000% now? The only thing I can think is that Blizzard wants some sort of pseudo sense of progression for seasons. It would be far more interested if legendaries just created new mechanics, or used round about ways to increase damage. But hell by season 7 everything will be +10,000.

    Blizzard's current philosophy is to only nerf outliers when they are utilizing a playstyle that Blizzard doesn't like (Thus the nerfs to Twister, Globe builds, earlier nerf to SC monks, ect)
    Other then that, Blizzard will buff underpreformers to make them competitive with the top builds. That 4000% UE increase makes it on par with the Crusader/Wiz solo builds. Same thing with every single other buff to the various sets. Blizzard does this because it is NOT fun to suddenly be unable to do GR 90 because you got a 20% nerf, its better to buff everyone else to be able to easily do GR 90. Blizzard CAN do this because Diablo utilizes an infinite progression model - There is no *obtainable* cap to the game right now, in any form.
    I think Blizzard will eventually hit a threshhold where they've brought everything up to a lvl where they go "Eeeh, lets not increase anything beyond this point"
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is Blizzard working on a new Diablo III character?
    Quote from Nachten»


    i just removed the link from this post as we already had this 2 days ago on our frontpage.


    And relating to the discussion we will see it when it is finished. You know Blizzard is taking the time they need to develop something new. In my personal opinion it could be Diablo Part 4 I don't think they will develop an addon for RoS.

    Considering how much Blizzard has invested into RoS (4 patches, each one with a good deal of content), as well as the fact that it is not yet time for D4 (The Nephalem haven't seperated/died/retired, so we would continue to be the Nephalem, so why the fuck would you make a new game with these characters), and the fact that D3 has multiple plot points going on (Valor into Wrath, Diablo the Prime still out and about)... It does not make sense to make D4. Spin-off? Sure. D4? No.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Gold and difficulties made useless?

    For gold, when you start hitting the high GRs, and you keep empowering, you WILL quickly run out of gold.

    As for power, at the start, there were 2 max lvl difficulty modes - Hell, and Inferno. In addition, difficulty was divided by act, so technically there were a grand total of 8 difficulty modes, starting from Act1 Hell, going to A4 Inferno.

    Also, End Game was "Grind area A over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over, until you burnout and never, EVER want to touch D3 again (Or, well, I guess there was achievement hunting). There is a reason that people say Vanilla D3 sucked balls, and RoS saved D3, because RoS actually added REAL end-game to D3.

    Now, it isn't so much that the difficulty levels are easy, as much as there has been HUGE power creep since the start of D3. Remember that in D3, BiS gear WASN'T legendaries, but actually rares with the "perfect" roll. Meaning, of course, that you didn't have all these new legendaries that increase skill damage by 200%, with sets that grant +900% all damage, with weapons that further increase skill damage by +100%, with all of these stacking multiplicatively.

    Lets take Vanilla Natalya's Vengeance (Known as Natalya's Solace back then). It had 5 pieces - Boots, Cloak, Ring, hand xbow, and helm. 2 piece provided 7% extra crit chance, 3 piece granted +130 dex (Which was barely equal to an extra slot worth of dex), and 4 piece granted +20 disc. Compare that to today - 7 pieces total, 2 piece gives a greatly reduced CD on Rain of Vengeance, the highest damage-per-use ability DHs got, 4 piece DOUBLES the damage on Vengeance, and 6 piece grants +60% damage reduction and +400% increased damage for 10 seconds whenever you use Rain of Vengeance.

    Also note that damage on skills got a HUGE boost going into RoS - Rain of Vengeance, for instance, started out doing 700% or so weapon damage. Cluster Arrow only did 200% weapon damage with 100% weapon damage explosions. Grenades did 95% weapon damage per explosion, and not a single primary skill for ANY class did more then 150% weapon damage per hit (At that was for the single target, high-damage runes!)

    So, not only has the power of gear GREATLY increased since the days of Vanilla D3, the damage of skills themselves has been doubled across the board, with significantly bigger increases in some cases. Overall, though, anyone who wants Vanilla D3 back is insane, as the game is currently in a much, much, MUCH better place all-around. Can it be improved? Yes, but going back to Vanilla D3 is NOT improvement.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on diablo 3 without RoS?
    Quote from soulzek»

    Quote from yom125»

    No adventure mode, Rifts, Greater Rifts, paragon levels, and the last act. Pretty much the whole end game.

    So instead of farming rifts over and over and over for no reason, you'll just have to farm the outer world levels over and over and over for no reason. I don't really see the difference.
    You cannot go past Torment 6, you only have one set to use per class, you cannot use Kunai's Cube, Kadala, or the enchantress, and you can't get legendary gems. Also, the amount of XP you get at 60 is 1/10th what you get at 70, so paragon progression is really !@#$ing slow.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rewards
    Quote from Jokerfiend»

    Quote from Bnzga»

    I agree with you that seasons are not rewarding enough,but a requirement of previous season achivements for current season rewards is not a good idea for the reasons Shapookya explained in his post.

    Off the top of my head,as a reward,they could implement transmog rewards for set dungeons,obtainable only in seasons.Like each set dungeon adds a little spice to its set,and doing all set dungeons for a class unlocks a complete badass transmog set for the class.Considering that set dungeons currently offer no reward,they're the ideal candiate for such a thing,if blizz is thinking adding more cosmetic stuff.

    Also off-topic,in your post you say "if this is all we are getting until the expansion".Is there a blue post stating there wont be a major patch after this one or something?Just curious.

    Not that I am aware, but RoS is already past it's prime. Expansion is the only way to fix the true core problems of the game.
    I also like the idea of using Set Dungeons. This is what I am talking about ideas. Season need to be more rewarding, the game needs to be more rewarding. This isn't 2001 anymore. The formula doesn't work like it did. Other companies are offering far more, for far less and Blizzard is lagging behind.
    I care, but I love the franchise. I have investment in it since the first Diablo and the old B.Net. I want to see it successful on a grand scale, ala Diablo 2 style. But currently, D3 is a joke competitively against a 20 year old game.
    What, in your opinion, are the core problems with Blizzard? Exactly how are companies offering "far more" - PoE, and a few other hacknslash adventures don't really offer too much more over what Blizzard gives. Diablo 3:RoS is THE top game of its genre.
    Now, there ARE a good number of QoL changes that could be made, and blizzard could be less stingy on the extra stash tabs, ect, but mechanically, D3:RoS is in a GREAT spot atm. Sure, max-lvl builds are pretty strigent, but name one game where you can go ANY build at the very top lvl - There are no games that have been balanced to that point, theres always a top answer. Overall, beyond QoL changes, the only things blizzard can add to the game to really make it better is A: Providing an alternative to Greater Rifts in terms of XP farming (This can easily be done by just upping Torment lvls, and making the bonus XP/Gold increase at a rate similar to GRs. Going up from T6-T10 is actually extremely inefficient in terms of whatever gained per hp needed to go through - If it wasn't for the fact that damage was so high, nobody would do T7, everyone would do T6 for efficiency of farming basically everything.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Rewards
    Quote from Yavyred»

    Cosmetics are fore the casuals,

    or atleast only a small percentage of players are interested in that

    u can already buy plenty of wings to feel vry special with it lol

    Less then 1% of the playerbase managed to get the final Paragon Portrait for S4. Chances are, even fewer will get the final Paragon Portrait for S5.
    Non-Asian realms are only able to buy, what, 4 wings, all of which are part of the various CEs for blizzard games? So, yea, there is no "plenty".

    Cosmetic items are more rare then you would think, and require a certain amount of investment to get. They are definetely NOT "Fore teh cazualz" as you put it.

    As for OP, I would be against having to have progression in a class in a previous season in order to unlock collectables in the next season, unless this was told months in advance. Soloing T10 Rift is pretty damn easy no matter what class, but you only have a certain number of character slots.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Idea] Belt socket for adventuring legendary gems.
    Quote from xFluidz»

    Legendary Gems over to Kanai's Cube is a very good idea! Clears up stash space, saves time when trying to find your gem on your characters and is a very good quality of life "buff".

    Glad you liked it! Please give some feedback over at http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/20742384995#1 so that blizzard can look at this and implement it in 2.5
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Items with flat percent increase to skill X damage

    I do have to say that Blizzard adding all that HUGE amount of +% skill damage isn't really healthy for the long term of the game. You either have to give ALL skills the same treatment, or you wind up with unused skills. Not only that, but you also wind up having to give pieces of gear that treatment - Once upon a time in D3, if you wanted to use Cluckeye (Bow that shoots out a chicken relatively often for about 250% weapon damage), you COULD. Now? You HAVE to use one of the various legendary items that correlate to your set.

    Blizz has gone too far in one direction - Previously, while there was very little SKILL variety (Most people used the same set of skills), there was a large amount of GEAR variety (You could utilize all sorts of different equipment for the same skill set). Nowadays though, theres a good amount of skill variety (Each class has at least 5 different builds), theres almost no gear variety (For the vast majority of sets, each item you need to use is already pre-determined). The huge amount of +% skill damage doesn't help, either.

    Good legendary effects are like Hexing Pants of Mr. Yan, Aquila Cuirass, ect - Theres a benefit for it, but it benefits you more if you utilize a certain playstyle, mainly not using resource with Aquila Cuirass, and constantly moving with Hexing Pants. Bad legendary effects are like Bracers of the First Man - 50% increase attack speed and 150%-200% increased damage on HotA.

    Imo, blizzard needs to just boost the baseline weapon damage by 400% (5x, essentially), and remove ALL of the various blank +%damage boosts.from legendaries (Sets are still good though)

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Newbie and I hit P833 in 10min wtf....?
    Quote from Pawzz»

    The highest Paragon level is like 3000, or is it insanely different on consoles.

    Paragon caps at 10k atm. However, on consoles, people hacked Gem of Ease to give some insane shit like +200k xp/kill, which is further multiplied by GR/Torment lvls, so you are getting something like 2 mil xp/kill. So when pugging on a console, you go into a group with hacked players, you get boosted to plvl 2k+ in no time. Since you can't get that lvl of Gem of Ease on PC, well, there isn't anywhere near as big a boost.

    I honestly don't get what is with people who complain about this shit. OP stated 10 minutes, and then he comes and complain about it, rather then just turning off the Xbox as soon as he saw his plvl shooting up. Same with all the !@#$s who complain about it, while saying "I was only with that hacker for 5 minutes!"
    Yea, sure. You LOVED getting that paragon boost, and the only reason you are posting now because you think you might be banned, but don't want to come across as a cheater. You won't get banned on consoles, don't worry.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Critical Damage
    Quote from MKIII»

    If you use Sever the killing blow crits can be very high. ;)

    Umm, no. Sure, Blizzard did implement it at first, but Sever hasn't caused massive (As in damage CAP damage) since... Beta or something?
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [Idea] Belt socket for adventuring legendary gems.

    The adventuring gems sound pretty cool, but I have to say NO to slot on a belt. I prefer to move legendary gems AWAY from gear.

    Move Legendary Gems over to Kunai's Kube. Make it to where you can gain an extra slot every 15 GRs (So you get your first leg gem at 15, second at 30, third at 45, all 3 of which are easily obtainable, and then you start getting extra slots at 60, 75, 90, ect for much better progression.) This allows for more stat customization for jewelry slots (Rather then 100% requiring a jewelry slot or its trash), frees up stash space, allows for account-wide legendary gems (Making it much easier to keep up several alts, since they all can use the same lvl 60+ Estorics, ect), with the only problem being how Caldessan's Despair would adjust to it (In my opinion, while Caldessan's Despair is nifty, its main usage is early game to help get a character off the ground to farming a bit higher GRifts, with little overall effect at the end-game)

    Your adventuring gems are pretty cool, and are pretty much entirely aimed at mat farming. I would add a crafting mats one (Lets say increased chance to get crafting mats, up to 100% from all sources, including salvaging, and at 25, automatically pick up crafting mats, trash drops 50% more crafting mats, and Forgotten Souls have a 1% chance to drop from trash)

    But, I really wish for Blizzard to move Legendary Gems over to Kunai's Kube

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on M6 solo build questions

    A link to your D3 profile would help more then your description. Otherwise, can't tell whether or not you are starting to hit your cap (And thus need more Paragon, Caldessan's Despair, ancients, and leg gems), or if fixing the way you do GRifts will help (Keep moving, only kill large groups of whites, burst during CoE, ect)

    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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    posted a message on Max Discipline on Hellfire Amulet?

    No. Max Disc can only be rolled on Cloaks, Quivers, Hand X-bows, and some very specific legendary items (Can't list em off the top of my head, but im pretty sure one ring and one belt can roll with Max Disc on them, and only those two items). Hellfire cannot roll max disc.

    Posted in: Demon Hunter: The Dreadlands
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