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    posted a message on Kinda lost, pre-torment help?

    T1 can be done in pure lvl 70 yellows.

    T2 is if you have like 2 legendaries.

    T3 is 5 legendaries

    T4 is lots of legendaries

    T5 is if you got a damaging set bonus going on

    T6 is if you got a damaging and defensive set bonus going on.

    T7 is if you got a full 6 piece going on

    T8 is full 6 piece+1 supporting legendary

    T9 is full 6 piece+legendary/set weapons (With the 60%+ skill damage boosts)

    T10 is full 6 piece, legendary/set weapons, supporting legendaries.

    T2 can pretty much be done right off the bat as long as you go with the most efficient skill set up, so there really isn't any "gearing up to Torment". Quick stats, you need ~1.5 mil toughness or so to not die in T2, and only ~300k damage on the sheet to down stuff.

    You can start up a seasonal character to get free 6 piece bonus, and be able to instantly do T7 (Get to lvl 70, kill a certain boss on T2, solo GR 20).

    Some more notes - A Crusader is an exception to the Torment listing - A thorns build can pretty much go strait to T5, without a single legendary (Flawless Imperial Topaz, 5 or so pieces with Thorns on em, Thorns damage is super strong). Its incredibly simple to gear (The supporting pieces for it are fairly common, and most of them increase your toughness allowing you to easily do higher lvls), and it boasts the highest possible toughness out of ALL the sets (100% block chance, 55% damage reduction from Justice Latern, 50% from Aquilla Cuirass, 30% from BLood Brother, 50% from 4 set bonus, you don't gear for Crit/RCR so you can get more defensive stats, Vitality has strong offensive value above a few other skills, you use Iron Skin/Akarat's Champion/Consecration for your skills, you can get 100% uptime on those 3 skills, ect. Its insane value man).

    Let me see..

    As a general strat, do bounties until you have ~10 of each act mats (for starter cube), run Rifts until you get greater Keys, run Greater Rifts until you get your needed gems. Once you have those 3 things done, you just alternate between Bounties(When you run out of mats), Rifts (When you run out of Keys), and Greater Rifts. Note that for best efficiency, try to do as high Rifts as you can before a Greater Rift for best rewards (Quick rule of thumb, if you can do a Rift in 6 minutes, the equivalent Greater Rift lvl is ~3-5 lvls higher, due to mob health/damage being DRASTICALLY lower then in the Rift. T10 Rifts are, in-game, equivalent to GR 45, but you can do pretty close to GR 50 if you can down a T10 rift within 6 minutes)

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Extra Stash Tab for S5.
    Quote from Bagstone»

    Every season you have the chance to earn one additional stash tab. If you don't get it in S5, it just means that it'll take you one more season to get all the stash tabs (there's a total of four you can get by finishing the season journey's stash tab goal in four seasons). If you don't get your S5 stash tab it just means that you won't have the maximum of 4 additional stash tab (resulting in a total of 10) before season 9 (S6, S7, S8, and S9 for you). The earliest anyone will have all 10 stash tabs is season 8.

    So to sum it up, as soon as season 5 is over (which is not for at least another 2 weeks, maybe even 3-4, we still haven't seen the announcement) you can't get the S5 stash tab anymore, but it only means it'll take you one more season; you don't really "lose" anything or "miss out" on anything. It's just delayed.

    As stated by another poster, its entirely possible blizz will change the reward structure for Seasons - They've done it 4 times so far, after all (S1/2 only requiring lvl 70 seasonal character for the vanity rewards, S3 requiring 100/400 seasonal achieve points, S4 giving the tiered setups, S5 granting Haedrigs/Stash tab). Its possible that if you skip this season thinking that you'll have S6-9 to complete it, blizzard will turn a dozee and make S9 reward something entirely new instead of Stash Tabs.
    Its best to be on the safe side then the sorry side imo.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on The conquests are way to hard!!!

    GR 45 setless- Tricky for some classes. Crusaders have it the easiest by far - Stack a shitton of thorns, use Hack/Sanguinary Bracers. Easy.

    6 GR 55/8 set masteries - Time consuming. GR 55 is easy enough that if you have lvl 50 gems+600 paragon, you just need a 6 set and supporting weapons, no ancients required. Set dungeons require more time due to needing 6 piece of more sets, which can take a while longer, but are again easy, especially since you can have additional players help you (Just having them go behind you and pick off mobs you missed helps a !@#$ing ton)

    Sprinter - Only hard conquest this time around.

    Avarice - This can be done on T6. Stack Gold Find, as much of it as you can spare. Get a lvl 50 Boon of the Hoarder. Go through the Ruins of Corvus WITHOUT killing a single mob, open all the doors, spawn all the scarab packs. When you reach the end, teleport out. Go back to the start of the Ruins of Corvus, Plot out the most efficient path, kill mobs, loot. Did it with an extra 30mil gold, had Leorics Crown (82% gold find), Goldskin (Always 100% gold find), gold find on amulet (100%), and ~3 pieces with gold find (another 100).

    So, really, the hard conquest is Sprinter. Even the 45 setless requires either stacking of certain legendaries/paragon/gems for a class (Demon Hunters use Magefist, Cindercoat, Yangs, and DML for infinite Multishot Spam+huge fire damage boost, Wizards can use Arcane Orb/Twister builds, ect), or just go Thorns Crusader (Super easy, I swear, its ridiculous)

    Now, for gems/GR 70...

    Gems have a 60% chance to be upgraded up to the same GR lvl. OP stated he can do GR 68, so he has a 60% chance to upgrade gems up to lvl 68. Time consuming, yes, but easily doable.

    Given that OP hasn't linked his gear, im going to assume that he does NOT have 3 lvl 65 legendary gems, and are probably in the 50s range. Getting 3 gems up to lvl 65 from lvl 50 is almost equivalent to an entire GR lvl, so thats GR 69. Im also going to assume that he does not have ANY Caldessans, whatsoever. Getting 5 lvl 60 Caldessans is equivalent to another GR lvl, so thats GR 70 atm.

    Finally, theres a question of, are you clearing the right way? Note that there is such a thing as GR RNG that can lead to a 5 GR swing either way. Sometimes I clear GR 55 (My normal speed farm atm) with only 3 minutes to spare due to having 3 minute stretches of 0 elites. Sometimes I can clear GR 60 in 5 minutes due to having tons of elites everywhere. Note that with the current GR meta, if you do not have the ability to drag mobs into huge groups (Helltooth does with that one Zombie Wall rune that moves mobs around, but its time consuming), then you essentially have to stay moving, ONLY stopping for groups of more then 20 small mobs, elite mobs that you don't take more then 30 seconds to kill, and groups of more then 5 big mobs (Abominations, Unburied, Savage Beasts, Gorgons, ect) If you stop to kill packs smaller then that, you are doing it wrong. If you spend 2 minutes trying to kill an elite group thats a bad combo for you (mob/power composition), you are doing it wrong. If you stop to kill every single minion of an elite pack rather then focusing down the champ, you are doing it wrong.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking to complete last tier for xtra storage tab
    Quote from Bagstone»

    The TX rift in 4 minutes: Just do public T10 games. I did a few public T10 games yesterday - the first ever in years - and while they weren't too great, every now and then a high-level player joins that will have no issues in clearing it in less than 4 minutes. I strongly recommend to have Homing Pads ready and teleport out as quickly as possible when you have the feeling it was a fast rift, and you *will* get this quite fast.

    As for your solo rift, just keep upgrading gear and gems (especially your thorns gem) and you should be fine. Your thorns gem is only 42 but you're clearing 58 - so you should be able to get it to 55+ at least, which should allow you to clear GR60. You need those gems anyways for the season journey.

    If you have problems with the 90 second Diablo kill you could join a bounty group in a public game. Is Diablo still part of bounties? I think so, though I'm not sure. Anyways - I've never liked public games, but public TX bounty groups are actually relatively fast sometimes. Just keep an eye on the act 4 bounties and if Diablo is the bounty, wait until someone goes there and then just join in on the fight.

    And yes, the GR45 without sets items is certainly the easiest (and I'd argue the most fun) conquest. With your paragon and gems you should be able to get that relatively quick; just look at your collection of random legendary items and create some build that you think is fun and works with what you got in stash. Especially on crusader, with all those legendaries, this is a really fun conquest as you get to play some non-standard stuff.

    If you struggle with any of those there are plenty of communities and people willing to help out. I'm on EU and not NA so can't tell you what they're called, but maybe someone of our forum members will add you and help you or let you know what those communities are called. You could search for communities called "boost" or "powerleveling" or so or maybe even ask in any of the "rifting" communities if someone is willing to help you with a particular goal. Many players are so bored these days that doing stuff like this is a nice change of pace.

    Something to note is that the 50 mil gold conquest is literally the easiest of the three. I did mine on T7, just stacked a bit of gold find (Emerald+Leorics Crown, lvl 50 Hoarder, 50% in Paragon, and a 90% GF neck). Main thing is to go to either Ruins of Corvus/Pathway to Corvus, run through WITHOUT killing a single mob, make sure you spawn all the scarabs/open all the doors, and then tele out, go back in, plot your most efficient patch (Ruins of Corvus is pretty good with paths, it tends to have a nice loop you can go through), and then just start killing your way through it (On the T7 Corvus run, I got ~90 mil gold at the end of it, T7, so you can do it on T6 as well, given its only slightly below T7 for gold find). HC is just as easy.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on [PTR] Season 5 ended - Season 6 conquests info - Season 6 started on PTR!
    Quote from TheGaige»

    I guess they hate us solo players cause the'res only 2 conquests that are solo!

    Theres currently, what, 8 builds that can regulary do TX rifts with just ok density in 2 minutes? This will be a significantly easiser piece of cake then ever before.
    Guess ima have to roll DH, AGAIN. Although looks like I can do monk as well.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I stay on Expert difficulty for now?
    Quote from DrCox»

    idk this does not seem like fun to me at all. if you guys wish to be carried to in Torment X rifts i am more then willing to help you guys get geared out

    You can't carry non-70s in TX rifts, only T6
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I stay on Expert difficulty for now?

    Also, for best lvling, craft both a set of Cain's/Borns lvling gear, get a helmet with a socket, and put a ruby in it. All 3 of those combined will more or less double your lvling speed.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Should I stay on Expert difficulty for now?

    Going from Hard-Expert only grants a ~30% increase in xp gained, but a 60% increase in mob health gain (45% increase in mob damage gain). It is NEVER worth it to go to Expert. You go from Hard->Master (~120% increase in xp, ~130% increase in health/damage)

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Starcraft Armor Transmog
    Quote from eliasfajardo»

    maybe they're the new "non-seasonal-anymore" transmogs for season 6 to 9. 2 pieces each season

    Any new t-mog will be for 7, 8, 9. Season 6 will finish off the last two pieces of Conq set part 2.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Gems Idea (leveling and stash space)

    I posted an idea in another thread here on the forums, and at the D3 forums, http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/20742384995#1

    Basically, Legendary gems to the Kube. Caldessan's Despair is moved to Urshi - Rather then having to deal with the roundabout method, you can simple grant +5 to primary stat on the Ancient rather then upgrading a gem, with the same success/failure rate as the gem itself. Gem of Ease recipe is removed, and lvl 25 gem of ease allows for bypassing all the lvl restrictions with gear

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on We need a fix for leveling up gems - leveling 16 gems per character to level 70+ is a pain especially for multiple characters!

    I posted something to fix this at http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/20742384995#1

    Essentially, move the Legendary Gems to Kanai's Kube. Caldessan's Despair is moved to Urshi. When you get to Urshi, you can upgrade your gems (Which are now account wide), or you can upgrade an ancient piece for 5 primary stat (Based on class, Vit upgrades removed), with the same chance of success/failure as gems.

    The Gem of Ease recipe is moved to Gem of Ease lvl 25, which allows for the character equiping it to ignore all lvl requirements on gear.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thorns and Hack viable for all classes? Not just barb and sader?

    Yea, Frenzy would be easier with that. I was thinking Bracers of the First Man with the +50% attack speed buff, but Frenzy would provide the same thing. Heck, while it may not be able to do 87 now, 82 should be easily doable with an LoN build.

    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thorns and Hack viable for all classes? Not just barb and sader?
    Quote from entro»

    hack only procs a single time every attack so no aoe, pets do not proc hack, invoker 2pc does aoe 15y around you so you must be in melee for it to work, im pretty sure no other class can really do a viable thorns build and even barbs dont have a good one since no thorn supporting skills other than that one passive

    "Thorn" barbs do work on the ptr. You basically just get Thorns damage, and use a standard HotA build in conjuction with Hack rather then Furnace.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Forget about bows
    Quote from slayer_13»

    This is the first I've heard of this set mixing BS.

    Why do they have a problem with mixing sets anyway?

    Have they ever given a reason because it seems lame to me

    What's next?

    Thou shalt not mixeth rares and legendaries?

    I thought this was a game about loot.

    Long live cookie cutter builds!

    Blizzard has never said that they do not like set-mixing builds, and have never taken actions directly against set-mixing builds beyond, well, buffing the 6 pieces of said sets to where you no longer want to swap sets.
    Currently, for instance, Wizards have the Flashfire build, which utilizes both Tel'Rasha and Firebirds sets. Barbs have Raekor-Kings, more or less the top damage build for Barbs, that utilizes the 4 piece from each sets. Of course, rather then nerfing either of the 2/4 piece bonuses, blizzard is instead buffing the 6 piece bonus for Raekors, IK, and Firebirds, to make going with the full 6 piece of those sets better then going with a mix of the boosts. If you really liked the way those builds played, you can still play em, and still do just as good as you did pre-2.4.1, but not as good as, say, 6 piece Raekor/6 piece IK.
    So, imo, its more likely that 6 piece Shadow/Maurader will see a larger buff, then for 2 piece Shadow/4 piece Marauder to see a nerf.
    In addition, if the sentry build does see a nerf, it won't be because of the damage, but because most of the damage would be coming from the Sentries, and not from the DH.
    Of course, 4/4 shadow/maurader, if it DOES see a nerf itself, will see a nerf in one of three ways
    1: Swapping the 4 and 6 set bonus of Mauraders - This doesn't affect Mauraders at all, but essentially kills the current build in that it doesn't utilize the hugely buffed sentries. Damage from the DH themselves will GREATLY increase, however. More emphasis on the DH, less emphasis on the sentries.
    2: Swapping 2/4 piece Shadows (Doesn't affect Shadow builds at all) - Nerfs the build in that they will have to devote an equipment slot to Ring of Royal Granduer.
    3: Swapping 2/6 piece Shadows (Greatly affects non-impale Shadow builds) - Removes the build entirely. Greatly affects Chakram/Fan of Knives/Spike Trap builds, in addition to nerfing Sentry builds.
    4: Making the 2 piece Shadows not work with Sentry - Again, removes the build entirely. Does not affect Chakram/Fan of Knives/Spike Trap builds.
    With that being said though, Shadow is still in need of buffs - Both the 2 piece and 4 piece of Shadow is outpreformed(slightly) by LoN builds, so Chakram, Fan of Knives, and Spike Trap builds will still prefer utilizing LoN rather then Shadows. I forsee a boost to the 4 piece (You take 50% reduced damage while Shadow Cloak is active, in addition to other effects), and increasing the 2 piece to 1400% damage.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Forget about bows
    Quote from Kisotu»

    Why is M4+S2 better than M6?

    The S2 damage boost buffs ALL of sentry, including the copied move. Thus, Sentry gets a 400x1200% damage boost, and the damage of the moves shot by sentry gets the 1200% damage boost. With the boost to Enforcer (90% baseline damage, higher scaling), and Bombadiers Rucksack, 4M/2S is a very powerful pet build that utilizes Chakram.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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