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    posted a message on Archon and 2.0.5
    Quote from tauro

    whats the point of using archon? archon sucks. my explosive blast with wand of woh does alot more dmg than archon skills, plus i dont have to use those shitty vyrs pieces. so why would i use archon? i rather go for magefists, crimson pants /boots and tals chest with 15% eb dmg, thats way better than wearing vyrs crap

    i dont know why ppl are so excited about this. even with 50% cdr, you still have a 50sec cd on archon, 30s when archon runs out. i rather use a support spell and spam explosive blast all day long bc it simply does more dmg

    or am i missing something?
    Not everybody has a wand of woh. Also, isn't vyr's chest better than tals if you dont need the toughness?

    EDIT: Oh, also not everybody wants to play in melee range
    Posted in: Wizard: The Ancient Repositories
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    posted a message on Bliizard Ban Acounts: AFK Farming
    Quote from VegasRage
    Bots are the reason a lot of people quit playing games, good riddance and a barbarian spit on their graves.
    The only games that I have ever heard of people quitting because of bots are those with economies that got completely FUBAR or skill games like FPS. For now though, there is no reason for anybody to quit because of bots because there is literally 0 impact on anybody else.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Making rifts more "rewarding"
    The droprates in rifts are already the reward for rifts. The droprates are so much higher in a rift that there is no point doing anything but rifts.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kadala isn't random at all, how to get loot from her
    Quote from mkdr

    It's just funny how narrow-minded most people are, and always trying to find arguments against something, regardless what kind of proof or evidence you show them. I just wanted to say, that it really touched me personally being called all the things which were said on here. I dont really care no one is believing me, and maybe it is better this way, so it will stay in the game, and me and my friends can use it in the way we already did over the past week.

    Here's another, last, video for the people who cared:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtslXvvLzPw
    http://i.imgur.com/q2DvDUd.jpg(200 shards, 4 legendary, 1 set)

    Happy farming (or not)
    In the video you get 2 legendary 1 set, and your partner in the same game got nothing.

    If you want to prove it to be true get the game filled, have everybody buying stuff at the same time with an empty inventory. Make sure the names and characters are visible near the vendor. Right now you have the equivalent of the "hold down + b when catching a pokemon to increase the chances of catching it" theory.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Best farming Location after Cota nerf?
    Quote from Pietrak
    Quote from TheRabidDeer

    They are playing the damn game. Don't hate people for wanting to be efficient, different people play differently.
    I don't hate people for wanting to be efficient.
    I despise people who don't use their own brain and cry for a solution to their needs. I despise people who are happy with what they are doing only when they are told that what they are doing is good.
    They used their brain and realized that CotA is nerfed and sought a public knowledgebase to see if people have learned about anything new. Do you hate people that use wikipedia to learn something new too? Do you hate people that go to college?

    One of the great things about the internet is that we get to SHARE our knowledge.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So, the drop-rate are fine apparently...
    Quote from RasAlgethi24

    ^Yeah but you cant compare to live. On live if you have a high paragon mp10 character capable of efficiently farming, the drop rate was pretty ridiculous. When paragoning I frequently netted 6-8 legs an hour. But the catch was 99.9% of these were utter trash. In RoS if you do get a leg chances are much much higher it will be useful, due to narrow ranges, and the mystic. So the drop rate should be lowered. I do think its still a tad bit too low now but they're on the right track.
    Should it really? They are taking out trading. What if you want that one legendary item that defines a build? There are some 250+ legendaries in the game and you have to get that one of 250 to drop. To get that one build defining legendary could take 500+ hours of play. What about sets? 5 piece sets would take thousands of hours to farm. What if you get bad rolls? You can only reroll one stat, and that costs legendary items in and of itself. Also keep in mind that due to smart drops, the legendaries that do drop will only roll for the current character you are playing as. So after a thousand or two hours of farming you are able to really clear torment 6 on that one, but you want to switch to another one.... well you haven't found any legendaries for this other one so you are stuck at torment 3 for ages. Smart drops + low legendary droprate + no trading = recipe for frustrating play that doesn't allow you to play your characters.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on So, the drop-rate are fine apparently...
    Quote from Demonhoarde

    Just adding my reply to the news article on the front page to this discussion... Why are they so hell bent on shoving gambling down our throats?Kill mobs and get loot. It's really that simple.A formula that worked wonders for D2X and that game lasted for years.

    If they really wanna add it so bad, make it so that the legendary drop rates from gambling are so low that it shouldn't be balanced against the mob drop rates.

    But no, lets add AH (and look how well that turned out) and Gambling to fool people into believing that were adding new features. I wanna play an ARPG not a GRPG.

    When the removal of a game feature is one of your main selling points for an expansion, you know you've messed up big time. It happened with the AH and i can't wait to see them remove legendaries from gambling before the next expansion. I swear these guys never learn.
    Removing the AH is not one of their main selling points of the expansion. You don't even need to buy the expansion for it to be removed. Travis is wildly off in how frequently we should get legendary items though. Right now on live I get one legendary per run or one every other run on MP8 at P65 (or something around that). It takes about 15-20 minutes per run. So I get better than 1 legendary per 40 minutes (and the best of the best see 1 every 20). At one legendary per 2 hours set bonuses are hugely underpowered. You could farm for thousands of hours and still not see a full set.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on As excited as I am for the expansion...
    ... I cant believe they are making us wait another year until our loot fix patch for normal D3. They announced that they were working on that patch back in february and it killed the game for many people. Why work on current legendaries when the new ones are coming in 6 months? Then june came along and they finally verified that it wouldnt come before blizzcon. Then gamescom comes along, and we find out it isnt going to be before 2-3rd quarter next YEAR?

    Sorry, but I dont want game changing patches announced a year and a half in advance with not even a remotely close expectation of when it will arrive.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Kripp and Alkaizer talk about Diablo 3
    Athene is a character. An actual character. He steps out of it from time to time and has done a lot of great charity work. People watch him for his character that he has developed. Personally, I dont like it but other people obviously do. From what little I have seen of him out of character, he seems like a pretty good guy.

    Kripp is not a character. He is how he is. He is very elitist and has been since WoW. However, in WoW it was much less of him and much more of his guild. His guild exploited the shit out of anything they could. Since he started streaming D3 and beyond, I see now that much of what his guild did is probably because of decisions that he made (though many in the higher circles share his mentality, so probably not much persuasion was needed). I despise him because he is so consistently negative. It is never a straight up "this is so fun" it is always "this is so broken" or "this game is fun, much more fun than this other game".

    Basically, he is the exact personality that is opposite of mine and the one that I hate the most. He is the businessman that will trash talk his co-worker to get that promotion. The one that will steal secrets to get ahead. He is, almost purely, about himself. Or at least, this is how it reflects on me when I see him and hear him talk.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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    posted a message on Who says the game was not made for consoles?
    Quote from Nodnarb

    Dear Senior Mods. thank you for your input, and what not. However, being hierarchy on this site doesnt mean u have any inside track, only that u post a lot and tend to make "likeable" statements. Fact is the OP has valid unprovable points. Like it or not.
    What is a valid unprovable point? This is entirely contradictory. Anybody that isnt blindly angry at blizzard can see that the game was designed for PC first, console second.

    Well, for starters we have had the game on PC for nearly a year and its still not on console. If it takes Blizzard that long to change the inputs to a controller then they have some issues with development. To those that say it looks "better" than the PC version due to certain features... you are aware that blizzard is releasing many of those on the PC too? You are also aware that Blizzard works in iterations? By iterations, I mean they constantly refine a product until it is satisfactory. You know these last 7 patches we have gotten? They have all been iterations. They are figuring out what WE want and are implementing what WE want. You know that awesome sounding patch that they are talking about now? And the patch after that? We asked for that stuff and they are putting it in.

    Shut up and either enjoy the game or leave the game.
    Posted in: Diablo III General Discussion
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