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    posted a message on Im a chinese player and I found a good idea to take advantage of Belt of the Trove

    My english is terrible and you can found my thread on Chinese forum if somebody can translate it that can be understand easier.


    Now,tell the business,some features of Belt and I dont know you have known them or not

    1.use potion ,change equipment, use temple , enter to another map or scene would reset the CD of Belt

    2.If you do the things above,the Belt will trigger 6-8 second later(its up to your belt)

    3.If you have no enemy when Belts should trigger, It will be enter to CD as you have enemies

    4.The buff of elements convention cycle once every 16s stable if you wont pause the game or take it off

    So,according to all above ,we can use any stuff to press Q every 16s to ensure the belt triggers at the right time , so you use a potion before Holy element, it triggers at physical.

    now its vbs code, run it when the element is going to change to holy,and it will press Q every time when the time is coming

    Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Do while(objShell.Appactivate("notepad")=false)
    objShell.SendKeys "{Q}"
    WScript.Sleep 16000
    msgbox "over"

    you can see my actual combat video on the chinese forum page or http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ5Mjk3MTUwMA==.html

    I tried to fight a 70lv Greater rift with no active bombardment just rely on the belt with my poor equipment, and felt so easy.

    this is my armory


    plz dont use too many short except plz if you want to talk to me :)

    Posted in: Crusader: The Church of Zakarum
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