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    posted a message on Feeding the homeless is bad.
    Quote from Daemaro

    This law is telling you, that you do not have the freedom to feed someone who can't afford it themselves. You're telling me that's not ridiculous? Or impeding on your rights and freedoms? Or possibly even hindering you practicing your religion? Charity is a big part of Christianity.

    So all those things are fine because it protects all the tourist based corporations working in the city so they can keep rolling in the cash? It seems pretty sick to me. A select few make tons of money which makes the Orlando economy a lot more stable, but people need to starve in the long run?

    Let's just sweep up these homeless people and put them where people don't have to see them, it might make tourists feel a little guilty spending all that money on vacation. That's a horrible mindset, what's next just ship them off to "community centers" that way no one ever has to see them again? Give them a nice refreshing gas shower? Then they can be permanently homed in one of FEMA's plastic homes.

    I for one want to be able to feed as many people as I want with my own money on public land. Ordinance or law or not, this is just stamping on our rights and it's happening more and more.

    The law is telling you that you don't have the freedom to feed someone who can't afford it themselves because tht might hinder tourism which is what local businesses thrive on and what local families need to put food on the table. Those families are WORKING for that. Most of those homeless people are there because they deserve it. I'm not going to feed some lazy piece of shit, or some junky piece of shit, or some screw up piece of shit and make the place swarm with hobos for the sake of being a good Christian, Muslim, or whatever. If he's homeless because he is handicapped or for something justifiable, it's the government's job to house them.

    You are also making it seem like all the businesses there are owned by evil men who turn into vampires at night and kill little children. There are small businesses, there are honest businesses, and even those huge ass companies got to be huge ass because someone worked his fucking ass off; you don't just find those around the curb and become the CEO because your nipples are pinker than everybody else's.

    I am, in principal, against the sympathy shown to homeless people all around the world. A lot of them are junkies, a lot got there from gambling or some incredibly moronic thing they did along the way. Some don't feel like picking themselves up, dusting themselves off, and getting back into life. There are centers that offer such people jobs, if you don't know. Most just slack around, get drunk off their ass, and expect people to give them their hard earned money. Fuck that.

    You're stamping on the cash that's being payed by the tourists to the deserving business owners. They have rights too, stop disregarding everything so you'd have the right tofeed some undeserving nobodies.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on What I hate about the gym
    The Harpy

    This is the 30+ woman who goes to the gym to get rid of that pesky adipose tissue. She comes sporting full make up, tight clothes, a G-string, and acts like she's above everyone else, while she's secretly wishing that that toned dude over there gives it to her on top of the kitchen sink. They throw the entire gym into turmoil for some reason. It's like, all the men there have never seen a girl, and suddenly, everyone is using the machines right next to, or adjacent to her. It's pathetic

    The Psuedo-Arnolds

    These are the annoying superficial morons who think their biceps will somehow get them through life. 95% of them have no basic education, and think amino acids make you lost weight and anabolic steroids are a MUST if you're not physically fit BEFORE you start hitting the gym. They'll tan as early as November, wax every weekend, and scream and make loud noises whilst picking up 2 kg dumbbells. What's worse is that they're like ants..they congregate around each other in a pathetic festival of testosterone and bromance. It's distracting, and it's annoying.

    The Peasants

    These are the extremely thin (even I look like Rikishi compared to them) morons who think more weight = faster muscle gain. They want that chizzled body, and they want it NOW.They put on ridiculous weights that not even people who have been hitting the gym for a year can pick up, do the move completely wrong, and end up hurting themselves in the process instead of benefiting from the exercise. This guy, weighing 54 kilos TOPS wanted to pull down 64 kilos on the back machine. He asked me if I could help him. I wanted to kill him.

    The All-Knowing Veterans

    These are the guys who want to butt in every chance they get. "You're doing this wrong" "add some weight" "decrease the weight". I don't know if they do this to feel superior or something, but if someone needed their help, they'd ask. There's a coach around for a reason. If the coach notices a person doing something wrong, he'll tell him, we don't need your endless wisdom and unbridled experience to help get us peons on the right track to Mr. Olympia.

    The Nutritionists/Doctors/Experts

    Did you just waste 4 years in med school? Did you just waste 4 years studying nutrition and dietetics? Did you just spend 4 years studying nursing? Did you just spend 4 years studying lab medicine? Boy, are you an idiot or what! These people tell you to forget everything you know, and listen to them. Screw everything, you need some creatine, some protein, some BCAAs (they don't even know what that stands for and what they do in your body), and some Arginine, or you're totally wasting your time trying to get some muscles on weightlifting and good eating alone. But dude, I heard, albeit in a clumsy ridiculous university that's number one in the entire fucking region, that creatine might cause some abdominal discomfort and even diarrhea, with some kidney damage in rare cases and promotes water retention. I also hear, albeit in an unknown institution teaching the dumb practice of medicine, that Arginine, promoting nitric oxide release, might give you headaches, make you crash at the end of the workout, and all those pesky things. What about all that? NO DUDE, FORGET THAT SHIT, YOU NEED ALL THOSE TO BE A BEAST. Fuck off.

    The Salesmen

    Hey there bro, what supplements are you taking? I'm taking protein shakes, but that's it. Really bro? How much are you getting it for? Umm, I don't know, it depends..usually around 70$. Woah bro, 70$? I can get you the best brand for 60$! Whenever you need anything, come to me, and I'll hook you up. But see, I don't want anyone to hook me up. I'm not trying to score some weed. I'd rather pay that extra 10$, knowing that the place I'm getting it from is renowned and trustworthy, and not some douche I just met at the gym trying to score some quick bucks from supposed idiots. What the fuck do these people think?

    The Cyclops

    These are the people who want to check out all the bodies around them to somehow make sure, in their own minds, that their own body is superior. If they sense that your body is somehow better, even if in one or two aspects, they'll hate you. They'll eyeball you till kingdom comes. There are more than a few of those in the gym I'm going to. I mean, I'm thin, I don't have the size, but no one in that gym has my definition. And that's normal, since I practically have no fat in my entire fucking body. Then they start looking, and I don't know if they want to fight me or if they want to hook up with me. Either way, it's extremely uncomfortable, especially since I'm not all that confrontational (surprising, right?).

    The Narcissus

    These douchebgs spend 90 minutes training, and 80 minutes staring at the mirror, as if their muscles are gonna grow in the span of the 2 minutes they just spent working a specific muscle. Stop look at the mirror. Do it in your bathroom dude. You even notice them looking at the mirror walking from machine to machine, flexing their muscles, as if they didn't JUST FUCKING SEE THEM 2 SECONDS AGO IN THAT OTHER FUCKING MIRROR. Oh my God, they piss me off so much, I just want to break all the mirrors, smack them, and tell them..no no..URGE them to give it a fucking rest.

    The reasons listed above, amongst others, are why I stopped going to the gym a few months back. That coupled with the fact that I had a shitload of stuff to do. But mainly the ones I listed. When I can afford it, I'm gonna buy the machines I need and shove them in my room, or something.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Ultimate Random Chat Thread [URT] v4
    Quote from Lt. Venom

    Quote from -Mephisto

    Higher post counts signify bigger testicles. Join dates signify bigger penises.

    So, my junk is growing with every passing day?

    The penis growth associated with post counts is inversely exponential. You start out with having your penis grow a lot, but once you reach 1000-2000 posts, the growth is barely noticeable anymore.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
  • 1

    posted a message on Ultimate Random Chat Thread [URT] v4
    Higher post counts signify bigger testicles. Join dates signify bigger penises.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Curious about you guys and gals
    You're all forgetting to put me as your favorite poster. It's hurting my feelings.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on Osama
    Quote from Siaynoq

    Quote from AnathemicOne

    Just adding some thoughts of mine concerning Bin Laden's death.

    Al Quaeda still has a chain of command, most likely the second-in-command (whose name escapes me right now) will take charge of the group, and with the Bin Laden's death, I expect a serious backlash from them on the world (most likely America again) in the near future.

    War on Terrorism isn't over yet.
    His name is al-Zawahiri.

    And no, the war on terror will never be completely won. And I don't wish to understate the threat of terrorism, but just like the effort to fight it, so too does terrorism require a lot of money and energy and manpower. It has setbacks just like governments do. And terrorists constantly have to operate in secret where governments can openly fight them.

    I'm not sure what my point is really. I'm just trying to say that yes we should still take terrorism seriously, but it doesn't have to affect our daily lives. Terrorists are far from being all powerful and they have to work hard every day too to keep terror going at least as much as governments have to work hard to fight them.

    I can make cyclonite in my kitchen. I can make an array of deadly explosives with Google and a kiddy chemistry set. A large scale attack takes a lot of planning, but a small one that would STILL cause a lot of unease and terror and still kill dozens of people requires very little hassle.

    Quote from Nektu

    Quote from Noa

    Man am i sick with justifying a crime with "war on terror". But isnt that terrorism what the Us government is doing .... who the hell do they think they are , GOD ? , to go in a country that isnt theirs and wage war and kill thousands of innocent ppl and solving nothing.

    When the two planes were flown into the twin towers, that can be taken as an act of war. Innocent people were killed. Innocent people were killed in the plane crash in Pennsylvania. Does that give us the right to go into other countries and get those responsible? IMO, yes.

    That is more terror to me than what you people believe osama did, i mean how is it possible that both buildings collapsed in free fall speed , and then what about the building 7 that didnt even get hit and STILL fell in free fall speed.

    So you think that attacks that are unexpected, the planes in the buildings, isn't more terrifying that knowing that troops are coming in to kill people? Osama sat back in hiding like a coward and when all was said and done took responsibility for it all. Our government announced what they were going to do. And didn't hide. The other building? What are you talking about?

    Interesting how some ppl think the economic crisis is only in europe, USA is indebt to its throat , dont analize the crisis looking only at your person, family or state in wich you live ... look at the whole country its not that good looking.
    The economic "crisis" is a global thing. Each economy effects the others.

    The first point you made is very, very flawed. The government of the country did not commit an act of war, a sentient organization within that country did. If a group of stupid Americans were to plan an attack on Russia, the US government would not condone the action, and would rush to mend relations with Russia, and I sincerely doubt Russia would wage war on America. The right thing to do is to make sure the government of the country seeks and works to bring down those terrorists. In no way is it a free pass for the victim country to go into that country, completely fucking ruin it, looking for a bunch of guys who wronged them, all the while pillaging the place and causing the death of thousands of innocent people. The real disaster is what's happening in Iraq, but this isn't the topic of discussion here.
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Osama
    The theory I proposed IS the most credible..Every single person in Lebanon shares the sentiment. I'm surprised the other Arab countries are so fucking dumb and oblivious.

    Please try not obliterate this thread with Anti-America hate without proper elaboration and explanation that remains respectful all throughout.

    Usually I wouldn't care, but the number of active topics on this forum can be counted on one hand. Treat them like diamonds. :|
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
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    posted a message on Osama
    Lol@Cracked banning me because I said exactly what I said in this topic. What the fuck? I guess I should only post "hurray for his death!" on every friggin' forum. :|
    Posted in: General Discussion (non-Diablo)
  • 1

    posted a message on You know what else I hate about shaving?
    I'm an Arab, if I do that, they'll eventually grow sentient.
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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    posted a message on I Really Hate Beggars
    Are you asking me to webcam with you, or something?
    Posted in: Off-Topic
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