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    posted a message on Teaser Wallpaper
    Quote from "uvwx512" »
    第103届广交会即将揭幕,房价暴涨的局面再度出现,对于广州酒店业又将是一场严峻的考验。虽然广州市政府对广交会期间 广州市酒店房价实行政府认可的行业指导价 ,但 市内星级酒店在广交会期间的报价平均 都 在2000元/晚左右, 不少配置顶级 的五星级酒店,报价均维持在2500元 — 3000元/晚。 这样的局面相较于其他酒店业者的升价政策,2007年度中国最佳经济型连锁酒店——7天连锁酒店却独树一帜,抛出了低至237元/房晚的特惠房价,以充足的房源、合理的价格和优质的服务,满足消费者、回馈消费者! 237元心动特惠!让广交会房价不再昂贵! 作为本次广交会最大房源供应商, 7天连锁[url=http://www.7daysinn.cn]酒店预订[/url]在广州地区拥有超过20家分店、2300间客房,分店 覆盖了各大展馆、机场、火车站、地铁站沿线、商业中心及旅游景点等区域,交通便利,周边生活娱乐设施齐全,有实力更有信心为各交易团的商务之路保驾护航! 广交会期间,客人只需要低至237元/房晚的价格 即可享受 7天连锁酒店 提供的高性价比酒店服务。除了 免费宽带上网、1.8米舒适大床、纯棉被褥、 24 小时按摩淋浴设备、独立空调、电视、电话等优质硬件服务,7天还为每位入住的会员客人赠送睡前牛奶一盒,每天早上更提供便捷的营养早餐等优质会员专享服务。 成为7天会员还可以享受新会员77元大床房体验、全国会员优惠房价、会员积分兑换免费房、预订保留、延时退房等 等“七大快乐专享服务”,广交会期间住宿自主,更加顺您心意! 三重大礼赢取 3000 元京津客房,共享 08 盛世! 除了广交会期间的特惠活动外, 7 天连锁酒店更携手搜狐举办“奥运期间房晚竞拍活动”,与您共庆 08 北京奥运会这一盛事。 2008 年 8 月 1 日至 31 日奥运期间, 7 天连锁酒店北京、天津两地全部分店超过 90000 间房晚通过网络进行公开竞拍。

    Online translator in chinese says

    No. 103 Session of the forthcoming opening of the Guangzhou trade fair, house prices rose again in the situation, Guangzhou, the hotel industry will be a severe test. Although the Guangzhou municipal government of Guangzhou Trade Fair in Guangzhou City hotel prices during the implementation of government recognition of the industry Zhidao Jia, but the city-star hotel in Guangzhou Trade Fair period, shown in the average 2,000 yuan / night around, many targeting the top five-star hotel, Price are maintained at 2,500 yuan - 3000 yuan / night. Such a situation other than the hotel industry or the price of policies, China's best 2007 annual economic chain hotel - seven days Hotel Chain is unique, as low as 237 yuan dished out a / the late ex-gratia prices, with adequate Availability, reasonable price and high quality services to satisfy the consumers, consumer feedback! 237 yuan echocardiography ex-gratia! Fair housing prices no longer so expensive! As the Canton Fair, the largest supplier availability, seven days chain [url = http://www.7daysinn.cn] hotel reservations [/ url] in the Guangzhou region has over 20 branches, 2,300 rooms, covering all branches Large exhibition hall, airports, railway stations, MTR stations along, business centre and tourist attractions, and other regional and convenient transportation, entertainment facilities around full of life, strength even greater confidence in the transaction of business corporations protect the road! Guangzhou Trade Fair, visitors only need to as low as 237 yuan / the price of the night to enjoy seven days Hotel Chain to provide cost-effective hotel services. Apart from free broadband Internet access, 1.8 meters comfortable bed, cotton blankets, 24-hour massage shower facilities, independent air-conditioning, television, telephone hardware, such as high-quality service, seven days per stay for guests of members presented a box of milk before bed, Every morning to provide more convenient breakfast nutrition, and other members of high-quality benefits. A seven day members can enjoy the new members 77 yuan bed room experience, National concession prices, integral members of the free convertibility, booking reservations, delay, etc. Check-Out "Seven happy benefits," during the stay at the Guangzhou trade fair Autonomy, and more with your mind! Triple gift to win 3,000 yuan Beijing-Tianjin Rooms, 08 shared prosperity! In addition to special activities during the Fair, seven days a hotel chain jointly organized Sohu "Olympic bidding activities during the night," and you celebrate 08 Beijing Olympic Games this event. 2008年1 to 31 August during the Olympic Games, seven days hotel chain in Beijing, Tianjin, the two branches all over 90,000 room nights through the network for public auction.

    If its wrong sorry, just couldn't read it lol.
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on ello mates [Wallpapers]
    i loved the small details on the snow, the sand, and the vines he did on all three of those walls, its sick
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series Two - Locations I - Caldeum

    : S I Z E S :


    When I was thinking of wallpapers that I’ve done over the course of the last two months since I first started after the d3 announcement; thought since I’ve done so many walls with the classes x1000 and the demon heads, a few things are still missing. One of those was made realized when I saw nEgativezEro’s Skovos wallpaper. Not only that but I decided to add a little change and slowly put some more color in my walls. This wall looks plain in a color aspect.

    You aint seen nothing yet! This will be my first of many Location walls within the fiery runes series. The old angled fire rune circle just didn’t fit, so I decided to revert it back to the old circle from the first FRS wall when the series started. I will still keep the angled circle, just for the classes walls, and others I have planned to come!

    I just went through many revisions on how I wanted to do the locations. At first I was going to just copy out the very tall skyscraper-esque buildings and put them in the fiery circle, but I’m glad I chose just to leave the art be.

    Please let me know what you think! I hope you like my sudden change in wall art here. Thought I was overdoing the Classes all the time, and neglected other aspects of the Diablo 3 world; as we know it so far!

    That’s all for now, expect some interesting wall art in the future, and to the others who keep adding wall art to the D3 Wallpaper Gallery, awesome work, glad to make walls along side everyone in this gallery and community!

    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Diablo 3 Won't Have Locked Chests
    I love this change to be honest, will make for more chances for something to drop, the higher quality of a chest type will make for MF runs to be far more worth while for one lol
    Posted in: News & Announcements
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series Two - Male Witch Doctor III

    : SI Z E S :


    Man it’s been a week for me since the Diablo head. Since I had the Diablo head done a few weeks early last week, I had time to figure out the new classes wallpaper style. This wall I revised 4 times! First one had screen shots on the left and right sides of the rune circle. That looked ok until I got creative one night. I also used Violet Joker’s extract of Des Systema; from the d3 logo for the background. Now here’s the thing I tried to rebuild the male Witch Doctor’s Mask but it was a lot harder than the female version’s.

    With the lack of references and image tweaks I chose to just leave it as it was when I cropped it out. But I refused to leave it chopped off so I added bars on the top and bottom. This image was basically created in two days after I posted my requested iPhone wallpaper for the WD. The bar I made for that I used as a repeated image bar on the top and bottom, and also made the bottom darker to make the lighting match better.

    You may have noticed I have a 6th wallpaper size again this size was requested on diablo3community.com. A user has a 30 inch monitor, and wondered if I could make the 2650x1600 size. The Diablo head was already made when this request was done, so I waited ‘til now to add it.

    Continuing about the image revisions; I had revised the pics on the sides when I added the des systema. I tried to fit skills on the left and right, the skill icon and name with pic above it, but to me the wall looked way to busy so ill wait till later to tweak skill images.

    With that all said that will be the final version of the class wallpapers for this series. I might make skill wallpapers in the future, just wait here and see what comes up each Monday!

    Lastly if you have any comments please let me know all are welcome, and if any fan artists want to join my fan art & fan wallpaper group The Fiery Zod please send me an invite request and I’ll see what I can do. Please remember the group is moderated and I will delete any unnecessary posts.

    See ya next week!

    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Concept Art 3 - Archangel Imperius
    Sure thing man, and ty for the comment!
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series Two - (iPhone) - Male Witch Doctor

    Gallery Link Here

    The final version of the first iPhone wall for the second series and the first requested iPhone wallpaper to date!

    Thanks Goes to CorpseExplosion for the suggestion!
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Teaser Wallpaper
    you beat me to it Rak nice work dude!
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series Two - Diablo II
    News about the changes in the series: The Return of the Fiery Runes Series

    : S I Z E S :


    I swear I think blizz was trying to show us what a real Diablo headshot was. Think they were responding to my Diablo Headshot. If you look and brighten up the concept art that blizz gave us from Leipzig, for the Diablo headshot, you can see more of the horns.

    I over-layed this art over my Diablo hellfire wall, and you can see that 5-10% that I was not accurate on, like I said, the mouth if I could I’d go back and fix. I see they had spikes coming from his cheekbones, didn’t see that well in the cinematic.

    But that’s all in good fun, this wall I was so happy they gave us a HUGE image to work with, almost like they WANTED us to use it in some fan walls. Thanks to blizz I have my first wall in Fiery Runes Series Two.

    Also guys you’ll notice where the name is of what the image is, I have added a nameplate instead of just text. I thought it was high time to add a nameplate; it looks cleaner, and more organized, and adds to the wallpaper. Also I added the blizz logo and small d3 logos; I wanted to add them in the FRS1 walls but thought they looked a tad out of place, why I only did “Blizzard Entertainment” instead. ‘Sides we knew it was from d3 anyway.

    One final note as well, I sharpened the fiery runes with a sharpening tool, they look so much clearer. When I compared this wall to my older walls, they don’t even compare.

    With all that said, I hope you all enjoy this wall. It is my favorite along with the Diablo Hellfire wall I worked so long on. I know many have been waiting for me to make a wall of this pic. Hope you guys like, and hope it lives up to your expectations in the wallpaper series.

    Any comments please let me know I want to know what you guys think of my changes to the fiery runes style for series two, I’ve got more things I’m doing for the class specific walls in the future, no hints yet.

    With that all said I will see you all next week!

    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on For Wallpaper Requests...
    If anyone is looking for wallpaper requests i have made a post over at diii.net and will make one soon for here as well.

    Any Artist want to join in on this Request List that im providing, to give people a choice or just to see what we can do for forum sigs, wallpapers or art in general

    Please send me a PM, or reply to this thread or if you have a diii.net account send a reply there as well.

    More people we add to the list the easier it will be for people who want a wallpaper requested can get their answers faster and easier, not to mention clear up the forums a little.

    Here is the diii.net Post i was talking about

    Wallpaper & Forum Signature Requests

    Thanks in advance!

    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Concept Art 3 - Archangel Imperius

    Hello again all, as I did last week I made a non-fiery runes wallpaper again this week, I’m still doing the finishing touches to what will be the new things that will be standard in FRS II. This week since no one has done this, I have made a concept wall art in the same style as last week’s

    This time however it is the concept art of what looks like an angel with fiery wings, fans have suggested/speculated that he might be the Archangel Imperius, the whole discussion can be shown here: Φ Imperius - The true threat to Sanctuary?

    Hope you guys like it! With that I’m going to go back to my work on the new walls coming soon! Check back here next Monday; never know what might show in the D3 Wallpaper Gallery!

    Until then! Comments welcome!!!


    : S I Z E S :

    1920x1200 - 1680x1050 - 1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1024x768
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series One - (iPhone) Walls
    Curious how these look for people who have iPhones, Necro was gunna show me but he hasnt replied back yet, anyone else try these out?
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series One - Extras - Barbarian I - Revision
    This is the first Barbarian wall i did revisioned as a 1920x1200 wallpaper hope those who enjoyed this wall can now enjoy it at the size that fits their monitors!

    See you next week with another non fiery runes wall!

    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Concept Art 2 - Archangel Tyrael

    1920x1200 - 1680x1050 - 1600x1200 - 1280x1024 - 1024x768

    Hello everyone, sorry there wont be a fiery runes wall this week or next. Just taking a short break and getting series 2 set and ready to go. Make a wall or two to pass the time till then.

    This week I decided to do a wallpaper on the Archangel Tyrael. Now this piece of art I wanted to make as a fiery runes wall so bad but it just wasn’t going to work. When it was halfway done it didn’t look good so I scrapped that and made the Tyrael wall in the series one now.

    I wanted to revisit this wallpaper though, and decided to make it a concept wallpaper, just a simple faded edge with the d3 logo below and the blizz logo and my name under the logo at the top.

    That’s all I have for today, anyone has any suggestions or what they would like as a d3 wallpaper please don’t hesitate to send me a PM, or leave me a message on my user page here.

    All comments welcome!

    See you all next week, HK Out!
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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    posted a message on Fiery Runes Series One - Diablo - Reflections of Hellfire
    Update: it was brought to my attention the 1920x1200 wallpaper was not the size i said it was, seems it was 1900x1200 by mistake, i have since fixed the error, sorry everyone!
    Posted in: Diablo Wallpaper and OS Art
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