Blade of Prophecy
- Blade of Prophecy
Legendary Two-Handed Sword
- 457.6 Damage Per Second
- Primary Stats
- Reduces cooldown of all skills by 5 - 9%.
- +946 - 1125 Strength
- +946 - 1125 Dexterity
- +946 - 1125 Intelligence
- Secondary Stats
- Two Condemned enemies also trigger Condemn's explosion and the damage of Condemn is increased by 600 - 800%.
- One of 7 Magic Properties (varies)
+(1439 - 1788) Physical Damage
+(1439 - 1788) Fire Damage
+(1439 - 1788) Lightning Damage
+(1439 - 1788) Cold Damage
+(1439 - 1788) Poison Damage
+(1439 - 1788) Arcane Damage
+(1439 - 1788) Holy Damage
- + 2 Random Magic Properties