Okay guys, here'S the situation : I'm looking to buy a new game and my choices came down to these two great games. So what do you think I should absolutely get between MASS EFFECT 2 and BORDERLAND GOTY edition??
Never played Borderlands. But I got tons of hours out of Mass Effect 2. I played it through about five times. The last three times at least on the hardest difficulty level. I played with just about every possible class. An excellent game, really. If you like really immersive roleplaying games. I mean, that is what Bioware exceeds in. I can't compared it with Borderland since I never played the game but I can at least vouch for its value. I played that game forever and I just never wanted it to end. Play female Shephard though. And make sure you at least get the free DLC if not the paid stuff too. Gotta have Zaeed!
Okay, I guess i'll go with Borderland for now and wait for mass effect 2. Anyway, i'll hook up with some people and play it multiplayer for my first play through.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My standard are very unusual around here, what with me also believing gaming has been shit upon a thousand times for the last decade, but as far as I'm concerned Borderlands is a very bad and a very bland game. Well, its fun for an hour or 2, granted.
That it even has a GOTY edition is an hilarious irony of the gaming world.
I would never recommend it to anybody. But I enjoy Mass Effect 2, it has a lot of good things to it ans is definitively entertaining.
Seriously.... 0_0. IDK what to do I'll decide when I get in front of the 2 cases. I played mass effect 1 and enjoyed it quite much. So IDK really, something new or known territory.
If anything i'll pick the 2 games for PC. I have a nice time with keyboard- mouse fps games.
I just bought Borderlands GOTY edition, so if you do get it, you might see me quite a bit.
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Life is only another stage of death, in fearing death you can not live life to the fullest. Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.
Borderlands for PC?? If that's the case, i'll get it during the week and we can play coop there If anyone here wanna join in just say so! The more the merrier !!
Borderlands all the way. The story is decent, but the endless stream of weapons for killing things is great. The npcs you run into are so funny. With the multi-player and endless replayability the game rocks in single player and co-op. It's like diablo as far as endless loot stream. The weapon drops are all random stats. You never know what your going to get.
If you want multiplayer, go with Borderlands. Its a great game.
If you want an RPG go with Mass effect. It has a crazy story with great voice acting and cutscenes, plus you really get the feeling that what you do actually matters.
If you like to kill crazy bosses and get lots of loot with unique rifles and shit, go with Borderlands.
If you like 3rd person games, very good graphics, and an excellent combat system, go with Mass effect.
If you like realistic graphics with a cartoony vibe and feel, then go with Border lands.
I really dont think the graphics should be one of your deciding factors but hey im just trying to help xD
Btw i already said that i prefer BL. The multiplayer is great and the DLC rocks.
BOTH I'm gonna have them anyway and I don't think mass effect 2 will drop in price anytime soon
Siaynoq you've convinced me to buy ME2 and Jamoose, Donsro + everyone else you've all convinced me to get BL GOTY. See you on battlefield mates ^_^.
Oh only a true ME fan would play it at least five times. :tongue:
What I also like about ME is the character import. One reason I also played it so many times with different characters was for when ME3 comes out I'll have a few different options when starting the game.
edit: One of my favorite gaming sites has video reviews of each game. Check em out. BorderlandsME2
As in ME? And by parties, do you mean a squad? Cause yes, you do have a squad. And I'd be happy to get into why I like the squad dynamic in Mass Effect if that is in fact what you're referring to.
Well, I hated them in BG.
I hated them in NWN2.
I hated them in DA:O.
Something tells me I'll hate them in MS, as well. I just hate having to manage more than one person at a time and give them shit and tell them what to do...
Of all these, ME is the one where you really don't have to micro manage them. Heck, you can't actually micro manage them. Their powers can be on auto use, or you can order them to use them when you want. I always let them handle it themselves.
Other than that, you can order them simple things such as "go there", but if you don't they still handle themselves.
You might need to give them orders on higher difficulty level, but going through the entire game without giving a damn about your allies (besides, for ME1, giving them new items) is no problem.
And why do you keep saying MS? Its ME, not MS.. at first I thought you were talking about some Mario Party game...
In ME2 (and I'll use the second one as my example as they improved the diversity of squad members) if you're playing an easy difficulty, your squad members will just be there in the background using their powers and shooting their guns and you can accomplish everything more or less without them. But it's when you start playing on Hardcore and Insanity difficult levels that you really start choosing your squad carefully and even carefully considering how you spend their skill points. This greatly depends on what class you are and what type of enemies you may be running up against.
For example, if you're fighting a lot of synthetics like robots and geth, it kind of makes more sense to have good overall tech strength. Things that will take out shields quickly or ammo that will disrupt synthetics' ability to fight.
Or there may be times where you need a lot of brute strength and some squad members who can take more hits. And during times like these in really difficult battles, I found it extremely useful to send a squad member to the other side of the room just to outflank enemies and draw their fire. There is also a command to make squad members attack a specific unit which is very easy to do. And like I said, in easier difficulties, all of this isn't necessary, but when you play the game on a very hard setting, you really need to start developing a strategy or you won't survive the really hard difficulties and boss fights.
For the most part, your squad members will shoot and use their powers intermittently. But sometimes when facing someone powerful or a charging enemy, it can totally save your life to do combos of powers on a single enemy. This is easier than it sounds. If you have a Krogan charging you, you might bring up your power wheel to use an ability to bring down his armor, then another squad member to use something like concussive shot once his armor is down. So yeah the squad members will use their powers on their own, but if you're in a jam and need to devise a combo to save your very life, the game makes it all a very manageable task. At no time even in the hardest difficulty setting did I feel I was getting bogged down with micromanaging my squad. Yet at the same time, I was able to come up with strategies using my squad that had I just let them go entirely on autopilot, I would not have survived.
There is particularly hard battle on the game. I won't spoil anything for you, but I'm sure others who've played it know the battle I'm talking about with the floating platforms. This battle on the hardest difficulty level took me several tries before I finally freaking got past it. And I really tried a number of tactics before one particular method, even down to choosing my heavy weapon, finally got me through this battle. It was so rewarding too. So the game can be almost as easy or hard as you want it to be.
When you play through a second time it's admittedly a bit easier because you get a bonus for having beaten the game and you can choose an additional power, but then again you won't be playing on insanity difficulty your first time anyway so you'll tweak the difficulty your second time around when you're more confident with the game.
And in regards to what Turmobil said about them streamlining the game. Yes they did it quite a lot. The most import way they did this though was with the inventory. Each squad member has two different weapons they are trained with. This makes you choose them a bit more carefully whereas in the first Mass Effect it didn't make much of a different with what guns they used, or even with what powers they used cause so many powers were very overlapping and pretty much did the same thing. ME2 is far more dynamic because different skills really do different things now as opposed to either just throwing the enemy in the air or generally causing it some damage. I kind of miss the planet exploration from the first game a bit. A lot of people found this really boring but I actually liked it.
Planet scanning in ME2 can get boring after awhile. But the good news is that they patched it so you can scan planets a faster and more efficiently. I wish they had done this on my third or fourth time around cause even with my mineral scanner upgraded I still thought the process was too slow and boring. But your first time playing it, it is actually pretty fun to do. Plus you will discover missions by scanning planets and launching probes so it's something that's in your best interest to do.
But at least they tell you how much of a system you've explored and whether you missed something. Maybe some people didn't like this kind of streamlining either but I thought it was a welcome relief from the exploration dynamics in the first game of just checking constantly in your journal where you need to be going to find the mission.
And the combat really is just way better overall. The first Mass Effect is still fun for me in some ways and I like even how some of it feels kind of sloppy, but the duck and cover of ME2 is just more fun that it justifies several playthroughs as not only do you want to try different endings, but also experiment with different classes and mix up your strategy. I started ME2 with the Vanguard cause they're fucking cool. But actually their skills are hardly the best for surviving really difficult combat situations. Biotic charge though, as cool as it was, was too high of a risk to use. Had it done more damage at least or knocked people down whether their shields and armor were still up or not it would've been a much more effective skill. But all it usually did for me was rush me into suicide. But if you squad member wasn't able to flank an enemy and divert enemy fire, it was still a useful skill at times.
Borderlands has Multiplayer and endless replayability, but thats only if you like the "Mood" of this game.
Story: ME2.
Gameplay and combat: Tie between the two.
Replayablity: BL.
Graphics: Depends.
With BL GOTY you get the Duke Nukem demo too
Oh and you got alot of DLC that adds alot to the game.
With ME2 you got some DLC but nothing special imo.
Anyway... its up to you to choose, i just shared the info that i could.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
....hahaha... what?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My standard are very unusual around here, what with me also believing gaming has been shit upon a thousand times for the last decade, but as far as I'm concerned Borderlands is a very bad and a very bland game. Well, its fun for an hour or 2, granted.
That it even has a GOTY edition is an hilarious irony of the gaming world.
I would never recommend it to anybody. But I enjoy Mass Effect 2, it has a lot of good things to it ans is definitively entertaining.
But hey, its your call.
Don't listen to Jake... did I say that?...
If anything i'll pick the 2 games for PC. I have a nice time with keyboard- mouse fps games.
If you want an RPG go with Mass effect. It has a crazy story with great voice acting and cutscenes, plus you really get the feeling that what you do actually matters.
If you like to kill crazy bosses and get lots of loot with unique rifles and shit, go with Borderlands.
If you like 3rd person games, very good graphics, and an excellent combat system, go with Mass effect.
If you like realistic graphics with a cartoony vibe and feel, then go with Border lands.
I really dont think the graphics should be one of your deciding factors but hey im just trying to help xD
Btw i already said that i prefer BL. The multiplayer is great and the DLC rocks.
BOTH I'm gonna have them anyway and I don't think mass effect 2 will drop in price anytime soon
Siaynoq you've convinced me to buy ME2 and Jamoose, Donsro + everyone else you've all convinced me to get BL GOTY. See you on battlefield mates ^_^.
What I also like about ME is the character import. One reason I also played it so many times with different characters was for when ME3 comes out I'll have a few different options when starting the game.
edit: One of my favorite gaming sites has video reviews of each game. Check em out. Borderlands ME2
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
I hated them in NWN2.
I hated them in DA:O.
Something tells me I'll hate them in MS, as well. I just hate having to manage more than one person at a time and give them shit and tell them what to do...
Other than that, you can order them simple things such as "go there", but if you don't they still handle themselves.
You might need to give them orders on higher difficulty level, but going through the entire game without giving a damn about your allies (besides, for ME1, giving them new items) is no problem.
And why do you keep saying MS? Its ME, not MS.. at first I thought you were talking about some Mario Party game...
In ME2 (and I'll use the second one as my example as they improved the diversity of squad members) if you're playing an easy difficulty, your squad members will just be there in the background using their powers and shooting their guns and you can accomplish everything more or less without them. But it's when you start playing on Hardcore and Insanity difficult levels that you really start choosing your squad carefully and even carefully considering how you spend their skill points. This greatly depends on what class you are and what type of enemies you may be running up against.
For example, if you're fighting a lot of synthetics like robots and geth, it kind of makes more sense to have good overall tech strength. Things that will take out shields quickly or ammo that will disrupt synthetics' ability to fight.
Or there may be times where you need a lot of brute strength and some squad members who can take more hits. And during times like these in really difficult battles, I found it extremely useful to send a squad member to the other side of the room just to outflank enemies and draw their fire. There is also a command to make squad members attack a specific unit which is very easy to do. And like I said, in easier difficulties, all of this isn't necessary, but when you play the game on a very hard setting, you really need to start developing a strategy or you won't survive the really hard difficulties and boss fights.
For the most part, your squad members will shoot and use their powers intermittently. But sometimes when facing someone powerful or a charging enemy, it can totally save your life to do combos of powers on a single enemy. This is easier than it sounds. If you have a Krogan charging you, you might bring up your power wheel to use an ability to bring down his armor, then another squad member to use something like concussive shot once his armor is down. So yeah the squad members will use their powers on their own, but if you're in a jam and need to devise a combo to save your very life, the game makes it all a very manageable task. At no time even in the hardest difficulty setting did I feel I was getting bogged down with micromanaging my squad. Yet at the same time, I was able to come up with strategies using my squad that had I just let them go entirely on autopilot, I would not have survived.
There is particularly hard battle on the game. I won't spoil anything for you, but I'm sure others who've played it know the battle I'm talking about with the floating platforms. This battle on the hardest difficulty level took me several tries before I finally freaking got past it. And I really tried a number of tactics before one particular method, even down to choosing my heavy weapon, finally got me through this battle. It was so rewarding too. So the game can be almost as easy or hard as you want it to be.
When you play through a second time it's admittedly a bit easier because you get a bonus for having beaten the game and you can choose an additional power, but then again you won't be playing on insanity difficulty your first time anyway so you'll tweak the difficulty your second time around when you're more confident with the game.
And in regards to what Turmobil said about them streamlining the game. Yes they did it quite a lot. The most import way they did this though was with the inventory. Each squad member has two different weapons they are trained with. This makes you choose them a bit more carefully whereas in the first Mass Effect it didn't make much of a different with what guns they used, or even with what powers they used cause so many powers were very overlapping and pretty much did the same thing. ME2 is far more dynamic because different skills really do different things now as opposed to either just throwing the enemy in the air or generally causing it some damage. I kind of miss the planet exploration from the first game a bit. A lot of people found this really boring but I actually liked it.
Planet scanning in ME2 can get boring after awhile. But the good news is that they patched it so you can scan planets a faster and more efficiently. I wish they had done this on my third or fourth time around cause even with my mineral scanner upgraded I still thought the process was too slow and boring. But your first time playing it, it is actually pretty fun to do. Plus you will discover missions by scanning planets and launching probes so it's something that's in your best interest to do.
But at least they tell you how much of a system you've explored and whether you missed something. Maybe some people didn't like this kind of streamlining either but I thought it was a welcome relief from the exploration dynamics in the first game of just checking constantly in your journal where you need to be going to find the mission.
And the combat really is just way better overall. The first Mass Effect is still fun for me in some ways and I like even how some of it feels kind of sloppy, but the duck and cover of ME2 is just more fun that it justifies several playthroughs as not only do you want to try different endings, but also experiment with different classes and mix up your strategy. I started ME2 with the Vanguard cause they're fucking cool. But actually their skills are hardly the best for surviving really difficult combat situations. Biotic charge though, as cool as it was, was too high of a risk to use. Had it done more damage at least or knocked people down whether their shields and armor were still up or not it would've been a much more effective skill. But all it usually did for me was rush me into suicide. But if you squad member wasn't able to flank an enemy and divert enemy fire, it was still a useful skill at times.
Anyway that's all I have to say about that.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs