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How likley is it that my sig will give someone a seizure?
How likley is it that my sig will give someone a seizure? - Single Choice
oisdhf h oh;oos;uosfh ghjlsvgtsagj jbhdvvkv v sv gsv jssgls f ssfs s klsgf klsl slsfls ll
hw;; i kust hsd pme
Quote from "Dimebog" »Your logic just blew my mustaches backwards.
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
Siaynoq's Playthroughs
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
BTW, "close this thread" - this is why people aren't allowed to moderate their own threads. Once someone objects to their own opinions they close it.
Fuck you, I'm a dragon.
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.