Thanks! Well since im NOT a designer by any means, just a dude who tries to recreate the diablo 1 feel in a "third person game experience", its taking quite long, since im learning together with the process of making the map, to this day it took me 3 months, aprox.
Hi folks!
For those who enjoy the good old "feel" of Diablo 1, here is a proyect im making:
Still a looooonng way to be finished, but, still, hope you like it.
Cool stuff
How long time did it take?
Hoa, nice dedication! Keep it up! I'm sure it could be used as an asset if you find someone willing to create something with it
Making old Adria's Hut :3
Im using Gtk Radiant for the map itself, Blender, Photoshop and Paint tool Sai for the models.
I made a new video on the updates if you wanna check out: