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Track all the latest tweets by the official Blizzard Diablo Twitter right in here!
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Diablo: ?Tis the season for our 1st Holiday Card Contest! Spread holiday cheer by cus >>
by @Diablo
0 1,599
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Of the features that the LoD expansion added what was the most i >>
by @Diablo
0 1,138
Diablo: #DailyDiablo What was your favorite class/build in Diablo II? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,369
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Which of the Diablo III movies do you enjoy the most? http://bit >>
by @Diablo
0 1,379
Diablo: #BlizzSpotlight A great new piece of fan art depicting a classic (soulstone i >>
by @Diablo
0 1,155
Diablo: #DailyDiablo What is your favorite cinematic from the #Diablo games? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,214
Diablo: Act II boss encounter going through a lot of concepting and prototype testing >>
by @Diablo
0 1,635
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Have you created (or will create) a fansite with the Fansite Kit >>
by @Diablo
0 1,381
Diablo: Artists are pushing to create lots of Unique weapons. Nothing we?ll show off >>
by @Diablo
0 1,388
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Would you or have you already customized your cell phone with Di >>
by @Diablo
0 1,460
Diablo: @TheExplodingBoy Link please. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,452
Diablo: @ThisIsUrLife Is it hosted anywhere? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,310
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Do you use a Diablo III wallpaper on your desktop?* >>
by @Diablo
0 1,225
Diablo: This is likely. RT @egregory25: try adding in some nice worms that crawl out >>
by @Diablo
0 1,201
Diablo: Bloated corpse clickable has had its tech art pass. Now exploding with grossn >>
by @Diablo
0 1,175
Diablo: #DailyDiablo What?s your highest Diablo II hardcore ladder character? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,228
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Have you ever taken part in the #Diablo II ladder? How well did >>
by @Diablo
0 1,478
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Have you ever entered a Diablo II game with the sole intention o >>
by @Diablo
0 1,696
Diablo: #BlizzCast 11 is now online! The Community Team discusses all things #Warcraf >>
by @Diablo
0 1,538
Diablo: One of our #D3Unique contest winners! RT @Beyorkin: Your biggest fan is right >>
by @Diablo
0 2,177
Diablo: Wizard?s resource system getting its treatments from tech art. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,749
Diablo: #DailyDiablo Have you ever 'low level dueled' in Diablo II? >>
by @Diablo
0 2,137
Diablo: Diablo-Source has just posted an interview they conducted with Diablo III Lea >>
by @Diablo
0 1,899
Diablo: @nukesniper No, but Diablo II used orange, yellow, AND gold for item quality >>
by @Diablo
0 1,279
Diablo: @udany The barbarian uses "Fury" which was originally unveiled in BlizzCast 8 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,375
Diablo: Working on updating rare/champion monster visualizations and colors to help d >>
by @Diablo
0 1,834
Diablo: #DailyDiablo What do you look for specifically in PvP? >>
by @Diablo
0 4,123
Diablo: Scratch that. That development update was a bit backdated. Female monk model >>
by @Diablo
0 2,030
Diablo: Female monk is moving from concept to in-game model. >>
by @Diablo
0 2,403
Diablo: @LauraR_ He's 20 years older. Probably nearing his 50's. I think war paint an >>
by @Diablo
0 1,251