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Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Diablo: Today is the last day we'll be collecting your artistic guesses of what the f >>
by @Diablo
0 1,010
Diablo: Awesome. RT >>
by @Diablo
0 1,231
Diablo: Updated the female monk fan art challenge thread. Check it out and then submi >>
by @Diablo
0 1,068
Diablo: @Teh_Dingo Yeah I'm not going to post that one Frisky. :) >>
by @Diablo
0 1,174
Diablo: A ton of great submissions for our female monk art challenge. To keep from sp >>
by @Diablo
0 1,091
Diablo: @Wenomy Great job Columbo. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,670
Diablo: RT @kasuturo: @Diablo i see female monks like this >>
by @Diablo
0 1,026
Diablo: RT @Pinuxette: @Diablo My monk girl !! >>
by @Diablo
0 1,098
Diablo: @brimstony NUH UH! Why do you have any good ideas... >>
by @Diablo
0 1,604
Diablo: Don't miss season 3.0 of the Jace Hall Show featuring a visit with the Diablo >>
by @Diablo
0 1,670
Diablo: RT @Lytus: @Diablo My vision of the female Monk: >>
by @Diablo
0 924
Diablo: RT @_Mjollnir_: @Diablo This work? >>
by @Diablo
0 918
Diablo: @HuyDucTran She doesn't have long hair either. :) >>
by @Diablo
0 1,385
Diablo: RT @tedknaz: @Diablo this is my interpretation >>
by @Diablo
0 812
Diablo: @ddaimyo She's not bald. >>
by @Diablo
0 897
Diablo: @luchko Well don't work too hard on it, there's no prize. But how about, "Due >>
by @Diablo
0 986
Diablo: @AbelJsimon We continue to ship all our games as PC/Mac hybrids and Diablo II >>
by @Diablo
0 817
Diablo: @imjp I don't think I can RT that, but thanks... I think. >>
by @Diablo
0 1,137
Diablo: @GenericJargon Well it's not much of an issue for now anyway, we don't curren >>
by @Diablo
0 1,214
Diablo: Art challenge! We're a bit closer to revealing the female monk, but what do y >>
by @Diablo
0 1,896
Diablo: A big push on armor sets in the milestone before the break, which included a >>
by @Diablo
0 1,410
Diablo: Check out some awesome sculpted fan art by "mantlestudios". Great detail! htt >>
by @Diablo
0 1,167
Diablo: @MonkHalel I think we already sort of promised we would. You'll see her befor >>
by @Diablo
0 1,096
Diablo: The monk skill trees are being fleshed out in high level design concepts and >>
by @Diablo
0 1,359
Diablo: Updated waypoint design and UI implemented. Waypoints will function similar t >>
by @Diablo
0 1,538
Diablo: @acedacase We actually removed that. It was hard to manage so we're going for >>
by @Diablo
0 1,401
Diablo: @NinnJou You won a pin for "Devil's Tread" >>
by @Diablo
0 1,431
Diablo: Looking for a few good Diablo III questions for an upcoming BlizzCast. Reply >>
by @Diablo
0 1,356
Diablo: The monk resource system early implementation complete. A resource certainly >>
by @Diablo
0 1,220
Diablo: ... and we're back. Hope everyone enjoyed the holidays. Have you tried the Di >>
by @Diablo
0 1,078