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Track all the latest tweets by the official Blizzard Diablo Twitter right in here!
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Diablo: @SvennEthir That's some dedication! We're glad to hear you're enjoying your adventures in Sanctuary so much. :) #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,374
Diablo: @MsToxique Congrats on your find! How close are you now to your illustrious Staff of Herding? #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,342
Diablo: @Cada741 Sounds to us like a great activity for a Friday evening. :) Who are you fighting now? #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,272
Diablo_KR: @morangworks 흐흑 오타가ㅠ 알려주셔서 감사해요 수정했습니다. ^^ >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,184
Diablo: RT @JuananQuesada: Playing @Diablo with my new Demon Hunter. Simply... great xD xD >>
by @Diablo
0 1,024
Diablo_KR: 부두술사, 레아, 티리엘이 현실에서 나타난다면 어떤 모습일까요? 코스프레 전문팀 스파이럴 캣츠가 재현한 이들의 모습을 사진으로 만나보세요. #디아블로3 >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,346
Diablo: RT @Blizzplanet: Blizzard wants your opinion on magic find gear swapping in Diablo 3 >>
by @Diablo
0 943
Diablo: #Diablo III: The Order by author @natekenyon is out and we'd love to read your impressions about the lore! >>
by @Diablo
0 1,091
Diablo: @fitknight Hey, at least your fingers can get a good workout, right? Good luck wiping out those demons! >>
by @Diablo
0 1,735
Diablo: The #D3 hotfixes have been deployed for June 29, see what has changed here: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,059
Diablo: Join us at @gamescom_int where we will be showcasing all #Blizzard titles including #D3. Will you be coming? >>
by @Diablo
0 1,266
Diablo_KR: 어제 (28일) 오후부터 수 회에 걸친 게임 접속 장애와 이를 해결하기 위한 긴급 점검으로 게임 이용에 불편을 드린 점 진심으로 사과 드립니다. 보다 원활한 서비스를 제공해 드릴 수 있도록 최선을 다하겠습니다. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,171
Diablo: RT @Warcraft: The invite-only Art of #Blizzard party is coming during @Comic_Con, & @BlizzPlanet is hosting a contest to >>
by @Diablo
0 1,855
Diablo: Patch 1.0.3b may be delayed slightly, but a few of the changes will be going live as hotfixes: #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,146
Diablo: @davincivii Very best of luck, it's certainly a challenge! :D >>
by @Diablo
0 1,058
Diablo: @DayLouise Great to hear you having fun; working together to slaughter demons while covering each other's backs. >>
by @Diablo
0 2,418
Diablo: @M6airi305 You did what even Imperius could not, defeat Diablo. Congratulations! >>
by @Diablo
0 2,435
Diablo: @DarkDesu It's quite cathartic, no? :D >>
by @Diablo
0 2,442
Diablo: Diablo III patch 1.0.3a is now live Europe. Check out the full patch notes here: #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 2,513
Diablo_KR: 1.0.3b 패치는 '이르면' 이번 주 내에 있을 예정입니다. 오해하지 마세요~! >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,309
Diablo_KR: 27일 적용될 1.0.3a 패치 내용을 미리 확인해보세요! 전리품 획득률 상향이 반영되는 1.0.3b 패치도 이번 주 내에 있을 예정입니다. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,726
Diablo: Scheduled maintenance will begin at 5 a.m. PDT in the Americas for patch 1.0.3a. Patch notes can be found here: http://t >>
by @Diablo
0 1,738
Diablo: @Geekahertz Congratulations! >>
by @Diablo
0 2,449
Diablo: Bothered by your #D3 Collector’s edition Soulstone not always glowing? @TechKnight has a solution! >>
by @Diablo
0 2,422
Diablo: Get an extra layer of security for your Diablo III loot with the Authenticator: >>
by @Diablo
0 2,431
Diablo: Diablo III patch 1.0.3 is now live in Europe! Check out the full patch notes to learn about all the latest changes: http >>
by @Diablo
0 2,421
Diablo: We're updating the tooltip descriptions for several skills and skill runes in patch 1.0.3. See all the updates here http >>
by @Diablo
0 2,441
Diablo_KR: Kripparrian이 조금 전 하드코어 인페르노 디아블로를 쓰러뜨렸다는 소식! >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,832
Diablo_KR: 이번 1.0.3 패치에 예정된 공격 속도 증가 효과 하향은 모든 아이템에 적용됩니다. 보다 자세한 정보를 원하시는 분은 링크를 확인해보세요! >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,819
Diablo: @Leahbjackson Just consider it an act of charity. ;p >>
by @Diablo
0 1,720