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Diablo_KR: @changhil 그래픽카드 쪽 문제가 아닐까 사료됩니다. 다음 고객지원 페이지를 참조해주세요. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,277
Diablo_KR: 클레이로 만나보는 야만용사의 알록달록동산 도전기! 수리수리님의 디아블로 III 클레이 영상을 지금 확인해보세요! #디아블로3 >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,197
Diablo_KR: @nightpapa1 오늘 아침 기준으로 계정 도용 관련 문의의 대기 시간은 약 3일 9시간이라고 합니다. @BlizzardCS_KR을 팔로잉하시면 예상 대기 시간을 확인하실 수 있어요. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,273
Diablo_KR: @jeongwon1109 오늘 아침 기준으로 계정 도용 관련 문의의 대기 시간은 약 3일 9시간이라고 합니다. @BlizzardCS_KR을 팔로잉하시면 예상 대기 시간을 확인하실 수 있습니다. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,345
Diablo: @Doomsinger We haven't announced a release date yet, but patch 1.0.4 will be released prior to 1.1, and 1.0.4 is a meaty >>
by @Diablo
0 1,736
Diablo: @KenAdamsNSA You might try checking-in on the official #D3 demon hunter forum to see what tips others can offer you. :) >>
by @Diablo
0 1,364
Diablo: @mauricio_atl That's quite a lot of dedication! We wish you the best of luck on your quest for a level 60 Hardcore #D3 c >>
by @Diablo
0 1,773
Diablo: Did you know that Hardcore characters have an average lifespan of 6 hours? What’s the highest level you’ve reached on a >>
by @Diablo
0 1,830
Diablo: RT @BlizzardCS: Are you on Facebook? BlizzardCS is! Head on over to Facebook and "Like" us today: >>
by @Diablo
1 2,911
BlizzCon: RT @BlizzardCS: Are you on Facebook? BlizzardCS is! Head on over to Facebook and "Like" us today: >>
by @BlizzCon
0 1,753
Diablo: RT @HunterPence3: Taking tour of Blizzard headquarters! Awesome games @diablo @warcraft >>
by @Diablo
0 2,470
Diablo: Find out more about game limits, which we’ll be re-enabling within #Diablo III in the near future: >>
by @Diablo
0 2,451
Diablo: This week's featured #Blizzard desktop wallpaper comes from the realm of Sanctuary: #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 2,460
Diablo: RT @TheLyns: Like @Warcraft, @StarCraft, and @Diablo? Come get a signed poster from Chris, Samwise, and Nick at the @ins >>
by @Diablo
0 1,741
Diablo_KR: @yang717malan 현재 계정 도용 관련으로 소요되는 대기 시간은 약 1일 1시간이라고 합니다. @BlizzardCS_KR을 팔로잉하시면 예상 대기 시간을 확인하실 수 있습니다. >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,879
Diablo: Loot-hoarders and demon-slayers, take note: our #Diablo III Game Guide has been updated. Shiny! #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 2,457
Diablo_KR: 디아블로 III 공식 홈페이지의 게임 가이드에 여러 새로운 내용들이 업데이트 되었습니다. 방문하셔서 한 번 확인해보세요! #디아블로3 >>
by @Diablo_KOR
0 1,755
Diablo: Check out the new #Diablo Statue from Sideshow Collectibles and get a chance to win your own! @collectsideshow #D3 http: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,431
Diablo: @Sixen No shortage of creatures to keep you company while driving back demonic hordes. Thank you for sharing your #D3 Wi >>
by @Diablo
0 1,346
Diablo: Where do the sounds of Diablo III derive from? @KillScreenMag learns from Blizzard sound designer Joseph Lawrence: http: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,344
Diablo: Check out Blizzard’s new and upcoming licensed products this week at @Comic_Con! #D3 #Diablo >>
by @Diablo
0 1,183
Diablo: #D3 Patch 1.0.3b has been deployed in Europe. If you haven't read up on the latest changes yet, check out our blog: http >>
by @Diablo
0 1,131
Diablo: Here are 10 cool things that @Diablo3xNews would like to see in #D3. What kind of cool features would you like? http://t >>
by @Diablo
0 1,228
Diablo: We’ve seen a lot of questions regarding the # displayed in the #D3 Public Games window. Here’s the skinny: >>
by @Diablo
0 1,230
Diablo: #Diablo III patch 1.0.3b is now live in the Americas. To learn about all the latest changes, check out our blog. http:// >>
by @Diablo
0 1,104
Diablo: @deuswebs @deadmau5 We certainly wouldn't mind if that were the case. ;) But don't worry: we won't tell. #DiabloSecrets >>
by @Diablo
0 1,632
Diablo: @groggswow We're glad to hear you're enjoying #Diablo III! What class are you playing at the moment? #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,214
Diablo: @zaythar #Diablo III cupcakes? Yum! What flavor are they? We'd love to see photos of them once you're done. :) #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,443
Diablo: Give your iPhone +Physical Resistance with a #Diablo themed case. Choose from five new designs on the Blizzard Store. ht >>
by @Diablo
0 2,521
Diablo: @Slices_of_BReed @Kinney_Scott That sounds like our kind of weekend! The best of luck in #Inferno! #D3 >>
by @Diablo
0 1,298