"Popular wisdom predicts an unveiling of a new StarCraft product. Mainly, this can be inferred from the fact that the WWI is a tournament of professional StarCraft players. While that may sound silly to some, theses guys make serious money perfecting their strategies and executing tactics. The fanbase is absolutely rabid over here, the extent of which will undoubtedly become clearer as we reach the WWI venue and immerse ourselves in the commotion." -IGN
that was like 2 minutes.. we got 1hour+ to kill
Im on a good mood....
Here is the official WWI buss...
aww for a second i thought it was a stream
looks like a tight setup
She is not 12 she looks more like 18-19. I am 27
jesus christ
d3 can wait
Their good at that arent they... =) I like 30 -35 year old milfs wearing mini skirts trying to look 16
hahahaha, we like the same kind of women!
Yah well at that age thay are looking to settal down I am just looking for a good time wink wikn.
Just updated with new pics and info
Yeah noticed that, too. So it might just be 1 announcement after all