Umm I would rather just have the swordsman/bowsman type of thing. I dont want the summoning or anything. I would prefer just the bow/sword and a 3rd type of skill tree could be passive stuff.
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I think we need a type of class made specifically for swords without being too much like the paladin. Better yet, a class that can either be a bowman or a swordsman depending on what skills you choose.
He is very rugged, kind of like you picked him up from the tavern or something.
You know what, just think Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. Almost exactly like him. I know, not very original, but we need a hero like that. In D1 and D2, your heroes were just... there. They didn't have any character or anything, they were just heroes bent on saving mankind. I mean, sure, you hit the keypad, they said something cool, but that's about as far as it went.
The way I'd want the story to evolve is that your hero starts out in his homeland, does a couple cave runs, comes back, then the main events of the story start out, just to give a sense of knowing who your character really is.
Okay, back to the class. I'd want his skills to be mostly combat, some healing, and then some minion summoning, such as wolves and maybe some Wendigos or Blood hawks.
What do you guys think?
Wow, you know, I couldn't have said this better myself. It's kind of funny, cause i was thinking about the exact same thing (excluding the summoning, but a minor pet or something) and I came up with the same name, Ranger, and the same description as Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. Man that is strange! In a good way I suppose.
Another weird thing is that today I was thinking that I'd like to see a sole-swordsmanclass, like a blademaster or something. Man you have the exact same ideas I had, but I guess more courage for starting a thread.
Wow, you know, I couldn't have said this better myself. It's kind of funny, cause i was thinking about the exact same thing (excluding the summoning, but a minor pet or something) and I came up with the same name, Ranger, and the same description as Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. Man that is strange! In a good way I suppose.
Another weird thing is that today I was thinking that I'd like to see a sole-swordsmanclass, like a blademaster or something. Man you have the exact same ideas I had, but I guess more courage for starting a thread.
Dont be shy to start a thread. lol If you got ideas post them (Search first) Im never afraid to post a thread even though sometimes I get into trouble Yea I dont like the idea of the summoning thing I think the with doctor is the good summoner.
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Passive is good. I really like the paladin's auras, but then that would make my hero the paladin...
Hey someone likes my ideas!!! I gatta screen shot and celebrate!!!!
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If you want to arrange it
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By helping a neighbor
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You need only just ask
Ranger is a cooler name though. But doesn't really fit with martial arts.
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I am cheese. I am loved by all. I go great with everything. Other foods hate me because I take all the glory. Like Nachos..Their just jealous cause no one eats them unless Im there. Shit..I even ruined broccili's rep. Broccili kept talkin shit so I was like. " You know what?, I think I might melt myself on some Broccilli. See how those humans enjoy that green [sexual slur censored] now." Shit...Now,People dont even touch him, unless Im all over that shit! Ahhh..Its not easy, being cheesy.. Peace. Cheese Out.
Ranger is a cooler name though. But doesn't really fit with martial arts.
A ranger could know a few martial arts. I mean he was taught to fight. He may know a few moves for close quarters besides swords. Either that or I would say either passive or defense. Im shure a ranger wouldend just know some offensive moves he would know a few defensive ones as well.
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If you want to arrange it
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If we could somehow make this
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By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Umm I would rather just have the swordsman/bowsman type of thing. I dont want the summoning or anything. I would prefer just the bow/sword and a 3rd type of skill tree could be passive stuff.
I strongly Agree.
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Even if one takes every reefer madness allegation of the prohibitionists at face value, marijuana prohibition has done far more harm to far more people than marijuana ever could
A ranger can be very sneaky if he wants to be, I bet. I mean, assuming its anything like the Rangers I have imagined, he would have spent a good portion of his life living and thriving off of the woodlands? You would have to learn the ways of the forest if that is the case: "Kill or be killed". I surely wouldn't assume you would kill much in a forest running around going "crunch, crunch" every time you took a few steps.
As a master of survival, he would of coarse know how to use a melee weapon in case he was up against something bigger than himself (such as a bear or what not). Marksmanship would be another well suited quality, as a hunter he would probably hone his archery skills so he didn't have to get as close to creatures he is after for food.
However, passives kinda scare me. The idea of a purely passive tree is kinda pointless now that they are including passives into all of the trees. He should have them, of coarse, but not a tree dedicated to them. Instead, perhaps a stealthy tree, or as some have suggested a focus on minor summoning. Perhaps his third three could be survivability, mixing a few powerful summons, sneaky perks, and maybe a little foresty magic he has picked up along the way.
I'd like to see something like this, but I would have to hear a little more detail about what he would be like, lore and all. I can see myself more worried about the lore of the D3 classes than anything.
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There are no stupid questions, just a bunch of inquisitive idiots.
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Wow, you know, I couldn't have said this better myself. It's kind of funny, cause i was thinking about the exact same thing (excluding the summoning, but a minor pet or something) and I came up with the same name, Ranger, and the same description as Aragorn from Lord of the Rings. Man that is strange! In a good way I suppose.
Another weird thing is that today I was thinking that I'd like to see a sole-swordsmanclass, like a blademaster or something. Man you have the exact same ideas I had, but I guess more courage for starting a thread.
Dont be shy to start a thread. lol If you got ideas post them (Search first) Im never afraid to post a thread even though sometimes I get into trouble Yea I dont like the idea of the summoning thing I think the with doctor is the good summoner.
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
Hey someone likes my ideas!!! I gatta screen shot and celebrate!!!!
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
ranged attacks, swords, martial arts.
Ranger is a cooler name though. But doesn't really fit with martial arts.
A ranger could know a few martial arts. I mean he was taught to fight. He may know a few moves for close quarters besides swords. Either that or I would say either passive or defense. Im shure a ranger wouldend just know some offensive moves he would know a few defensive ones as well.
If you want to arrange it
This world you can change it
If we could somehow make this
Christmas thing last
By helping a neighbor
Or even a stranger
And to know who needs help
You need only just ask
I strongly Agree.
As a master of survival, he would of coarse know how to use a melee weapon in case he was up against something bigger than himself (such as a bear or what not). Marksmanship would be another well suited quality, as a hunter he would probably hone his archery skills so he didn't have to get as close to creatures he is after for food.
However, passives kinda scare me. The idea of a purely passive tree is kinda pointless now that they are including passives into all of the trees. He should have them, of coarse, but not a tree dedicated to them. Instead, perhaps a stealthy tree, or as some have suggested a focus on minor summoning. Perhaps his third three could be survivability, mixing a few powerful summons, sneaky perks, and maybe a little foresty magic he has picked up along the way.
I'd like to see something like this, but I would have to hear a little more detail about what he would be like, lore and all. I can see myself more worried about the lore of the D3 classes than anything.
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they should do an all out summoner/shapeshifter for the expansion
god grant me the serenity,
to accept the things i cannot change, courage to change the things i can and wisdom to know the difference