Hyoraphant are a member of one of the hundreds demon-hunting-wizard clans in sactuary.
He have knowledge of elemental magic, teology, astronomy, time magic and clarividency.
He/She is basically a Sacred Mage, a Faithfull Arcanist.
One of the crucial points is the fact that he consider the Fire element a wicked force, so he deny the usage of fire magic.
He`s basically a Heavy Caster - a mix of a Wizard and a Cleric, become something more, something complete.
Skill Trees:
Elemental Magic:
- Icycle Star: A bolt of frost element that blast and shoots multiple ice bolts on impact.
The secondary ice shards will do much more damage then the original bolt, so the main reason of this spell is to hit enemy in a blind spot or just attack large groups.
-Frost Cage: A spell that cause a low damage but totaly paralyse the enemy. This is a crowd control style spell. Can also be used to block enemys passage.
-Glacial wave: Baal`s frost attack.
-Conjure Rain: Conjure magic rainning clouds. The water makes all lightning damage attacks and cold damage attacks stronger, but reduces all fire damage attacks power.
This spell affcts both allies and enemy. So it`s a strategic double-edge spell.
-Thunderbolt: Calls for a lightning from the sky to stroke down one target enemy. A thunder will explode at the impact point, pushing back enemys and making then stunned for a short time.
-Shocking Blast: \DI`s Chain Lihgtning. It is basically a eletricity shotgun.
The old skill that could come back in this tree would be Blizzard, Charged Bolt, Cold Bolt, Static Fiend.
This Three is based at cause frost and lightning damage, slowing and stunning. A Old School Sorceress style.
White Magic
-Heal-Self: Heal yourself by consuming lmana.
-Flash of Light: Explodes a holy light flash at a target area, damaging multiple enemys and blinding then. Extra damage vs. undead.
-Archangel Wings: You get the archangel tentacle-wings. Those wings damages any demon or undead that come close to you and increase your defense.
-Sanctuary: Creats circular area that enemys cannot come in. Have a low diuration, but it increases with levels.
-Pray: Start to pray and recover MP. If you recieve a attack under the pray, the spell is canceled. Demons and undeads will not attack you while you`re praying (except bosses).
-Providence: Marke one (and only one!) target if angelic forces. That target recover more HP from healing effects and when he dies he gets ressurected. This is cooldown is actived after the targets die and have a pretty long cooldown.
-Heaven`s Wrath: Summons a colum of holy energy that continually damage enemy if they get inside it. Causes much more damage vs. demon and undeads.
- Pain Suppression: Target gets 100% FHR for a pretty(!!) short time.
Other spells in this tree would be holy bolt - but with a decent allie`s healing factor.
Also energy shield would be here.
This is a defensive tree. It have some recovering spells, healing spells and special attacks that are super effective vs. demons and undeads.
Cosmic Magic (crappy name i kno)
- Astral Sentinel: Summons up to 5 gravity balls that spin around you at a medium range, not melee. When a enemy get touched by those balls he get some damage and are knockbacked miles away as the sphere explode.
- Cosmic Bolt: a projectile of Arcane damage (the substitute of old magic damAGE). It also cause eenmy to be more vulnerable for some skills like gravity waves.
- Gravity Wave: Unleashs a wave of reversal gravity that throw enemys to the skys lol.
- Time Stop: Stop all enemys for a hort duration. Bosses and mini bosses are only slowed.
- Overclock: Make enemy so old, so old that they become ashs. This skill works like - fully destroy enemy at 25% less HP, but does nothing to enemy with 25%+ HP.
Does not work vs. Undeads.
- Alacrity: Increase all allies movement speed, attack speed and FCR.
-Void: Summons black hole that cause heavy arcane damage and suck enemy to it`s center.
Other spells from this tree would be Teleportation and teleknesis.
This tree is based at change your enemys and your position, and also cause heavy arcane damage. It is focused on strategic combat where your main goal is take a safe distance and make your spells hit the largest amounts of enemy at once.
In terms of items, he could use Staffs and Books (a new type of item).
For those hwo think this class don`t fit in Diablo`s Universe, the main inspiration for this class is Act`s 3 Hyerophant mobs, witch uses Blizzards, Lightning, Teleport and Heal spells.
For those hwo think this class don`t fit in Diablo`s Universe, the main inspiration for this class is Act`s 3 Hyerophant mobs, witch uses Blizzards, Lightning, Teleport and Heal spells.
I think its a pretty cool idea for the most part, and I like how you tried to go for more unique spells than fireball, explody-ball, magic bolt, and stuff like that that everyone i sputting on their "builds"
I do enjoy it tho I don't see it making it into the game haha
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I can't believe hair metal used to be cool...
It should be expansion to Wizzard / Sorcerer skill tree , not a different class
The class 've 3 trees, how it would put inside the soc concept ?
And this class have a çarge amount of party suport, like the pally, so it's pretty diferent from the previous spell casters.
Kenzai, I agree with you. Put the Holy aspect from something diferent then the Shine-Armored-Knight can bring more possibilitys.
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"In time the hissing of her sanity
Faded out her voice and soiled her name
And like marked pages in a diary
Everything seemed clean that is unstained
The incoherent talk of ordinary days
Why would we really need to live?
Decide what is clear and what's within a haze
What you should take and what to give" - Opeth
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Hyoraphant are a member of one of the hundreds demon-hunting-wizard clans in sactuary.
He have knowledge of elemental magic, teology, astronomy, time magic and clarividency.
He/She is basically a Sacred Mage, a Faithfull Arcanist.
One of the crucial points is the fact that he consider the Fire element a wicked force, so he deny the usage of fire magic.
He`s basically a Heavy Caster - a mix of a Wizard and a Cleric, become something more, something complete.
Skill Trees:
Elemental Magic:
- Icycle Star: A bolt of frost element that blast and shoots multiple ice bolts on impact.
The secondary ice shards will do much more damage then the original bolt, so the main reason of this spell is to hit enemy in a blind spot or just attack large groups.
-Frost Cage: A spell that cause a low damage but totaly paralyse the enemy. This is a crowd control style spell. Can also be used to block enemys passage.
-Glacial wave: Baal`s frost attack.
-Conjure Rain: Conjure magic rainning clouds. The water makes all lightning damage attacks and cold damage attacks stronger, but reduces all fire damage attacks power.
This spell affcts both allies and enemy. So it`s a strategic double-edge spell.
-Thunderbolt: Calls for a lightning from the sky to stroke down one target enemy. A thunder will explode at the impact point, pushing back enemys and making then stunned for a short time.
-Shocking Blast: \DI`s Chain Lihgtning. It is basically a eletricity shotgun.
The old skill that could come back in this tree would be Blizzard, Charged Bolt, Cold Bolt, Static Fiend.
This Three is based at cause frost and lightning damage, slowing and stunning. A Old School Sorceress style.
White Magic
-Heal-Self: Heal yourself by consuming lmana.
-Flash of Light: Explodes a holy light flash at a target area, damaging multiple enemys and blinding then. Extra damage vs. undead.
-Archangel Wings: You get the archangel tentacle-wings. Those wings damages any demon or undead that come close to you and increase your defense.
-Sanctuary: Creats circular area that enemys cannot come in. Have a low diuration, but it increases with levels.
-Pray: Start to pray and recover MP. If you recieve a attack under the pray, the spell is canceled. Demons and undeads will not attack you while you`re praying (except bosses).
-Providence: Marke one (and only one!) target if angelic forces. That target recover more HP from healing effects and when he dies he gets ressurected. This is cooldown is actived after the targets die and have a pretty long cooldown.
-Heaven`s Wrath: Summons a colum of holy energy that continually damage enemy if they get inside it. Causes much more damage vs. demon and undeads.
- Pain Suppression: Target gets 100% FHR for a pretty(!!) short time.
Other spells in this tree would be holy bolt - but with a decent allie`s healing factor.
Also energy shield would be here.
This is a defensive tree. It have some recovering spells, healing spells and special attacks that are super effective vs. demons and undeads.
Cosmic Magic (crappy name i kno)
- Astral Sentinel: Summons up to 5 gravity balls that spin around you at a medium range, not melee. When a enemy get touched by those balls he get some damage and are knockbacked miles away as the sphere explode.
- Cosmic Bolt: a projectile of Arcane damage (the substitute of old magic damAGE). It also cause eenmy to be more vulnerable for some skills like gravity waves.
- Gravity Wave: Unleashs a wave of reversal gravity that throw enemys to the skys lol.
- Time Stop: Stop all enemys for a hort duration. Bosses and mini bosses are only slowed.
- Overclock: Make enemy so old, so old that they become ashs. This skill works like - fully destroy enemy at 25% less HP, but does nothing to enemy with 25%+ HP.
Does not work vs. Undeads.
- Alacrity: Increase all allies movement speed, attack speed and FCR.
-Void: Summons black hole that cause heavy arcane damage and suck enemy to it`s center.
Other spells from this tree would be Teleportation and teleknesis.
This tree is based at change your enemys and your position, and also cause heavy arcane damage. It is focused on strategic combat where your main goal is take a safe distance and make your spells hit the largest amounts of enemy at once.
In terms of items, he could use Staffs and Books (a new type of item).
For those hwo think this class don`t fit in Diablo`s Universe, the main inspiration for this class is Act`s 3 Hyerophant mobs, witch uses Blizzards, Lightning, Teleport and Heal spells.
For those hwo think this class don`t fit in Diablo`s Universe, the main inspiration for this class is Act`s 3 Hyerophant mobs, witch uses Blizzards, Lightning, Teleport and Heal spells.
I do enjoy it tho I don't see it making it into the game haha
The class 've 3 trees, how it would put inside the soc concept ?
And this class have a çarge amount of party suport, like the pally, so it's pretty diferent from the previous spell casters.
Kenzai, I agree with you. Put the Holy aspect from something diferent then the Shine-Armored-Knight can bring more possibilitys.