Ok basically this guy is a knight decked out in armor ect. He has a shield that has a tree for it and it can be used to smash, charge, reflect, reflect sunlight to blind ect ect ect.
Then he has a sword or something that can be his main weapon.
Finally he can summon a horse to ride. You could make up some sweet story about how come he has a horse that he can summon.
So his horse makes him super speedy, can jump, gallop and charge ect but makes him vunerable to certain things like spears. He can get knocked off the horse and their would be some recovery time where he is vunerable. It might boost attack and speed but decrease armor ect.
So he has a tree dedicated to his horsemaster abilities making his horse better ect. He could also have powers like charge of the horsemen or something where like 10 horsemen 'ghost' in, ride like 10 - 20 meters killing anything in their path and then ghost out. He could be the king of the horsemen on a quest to free his army or something.
So anyway basically the idea is that there is a guy that can summon a horse to ride and has accociated powers. This would make him unique to the other playable characters and give some variety.
Even if you dont like my idea for the character what do you think about the ability to ride a horse or other creater even in just certain parts of the game? I think it would be cool...
be kinda hard considering there will be NO MOUNTS in diablo 3. As they have officially stated already for the final product. No mounts. Makes no sense for this kind of hack and slash either. But yea, that already said no mounts. So that small fact kind of... kills this thread lol.
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If you get personally attacked by letters through the internet its a good thing to always have a box of tissues and a band-aid around.
rather then a 'horse' you should be able to ride dungeon-adaptable creatures, like small dragons or large lizards etc. or ride a different assortment of beasts which Blizzard can invent.
I'm going to agree with Dimebog, just not enough area for mounts. In Sacred the world/area was bigger and I still didn't use them though. I thought they were pretty much useless, expensive and died easily. Just let the characters move around quicker.
Maybe a spell where you could ride a monster, lol. nvm
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I just thought of a cool spell while thinking of summoning a beast...summon zombies from the ground that grab you, pull you under, then you can get pushed up out of the ground elsewhere (possibly causing aoe damage). Kind of goes along with the zombie wall for WD. Good escape, damage, travel rolled into one.
I liked the shield skill tree. Reminds me the Titan Quest's Defender. But I disliked the Horse Ride tree. I think a mounted character wouldn't fit in Diablo's scenario. I would feel displaced among all the other classes. Plus it would have to be faster than the other classes, and that's not good.
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Then he has a sword or something that can be his main weapon.
Finally he can summon a horse to ride. You could make up some sweet story about how come he has a horse that he can summon.
So his horse makes him super speedy, can jump, gallop and charge ect but makes him vunerable to certain things like spears. He can get knocked off the horse and their would be some recovery time where he is vunerable. It might boost attack and speed but decrease armor ect.
So he has a tree dedicated to his horsemaster abilities making his horse better ect. He could also have powers like charge of the horsemen or something where like 10 horsemen 'ghost' in, ride like 10 - 20 meters killing anything in their path and then ghost out. He could be the king of the horsemen on a quest to free his army or something.
So anyway basically the idea is that there is a guy that can summon a horse to ride and has accociated powers. This would make him unique to the other playable characters and give some variety.
Even if you dont like my idea for the character what do you think about the ability to ride a horse or other creater even in just certain parts of the game? I think it would be cool...
Pleae excuse my poor writing skills.
Both mount and character at the same time. Genius!!!
Maybe a spell where you could ride a monster, lol. nvm
Folks will always come and go, so enjoy them while they're meant to be in your life.