we have barbariain and witch doctor down pat. what i wanna see for the others...
well honostly i DONT wanna see same old same old. maybe one more classic but the other 2 i wanna see something new. i think blizzard shares this because witchdoctor is new and i dont think its the only new one. witch doctor is basically a new necro to me, but i wanna see something original (suggestion) some kind of crazy magicion, well rounded caster with illision confusion reflecting spells something like that
p.s. there is no patant on that idea blizzard fell free to steal:)
well blizzard did say in one of the preview videos that they wernt goin to have the same characters, but also on the classes subject i think that there will be a missionary class because of the rumers happening on its supose to be a battle between heven and hell and also they have always had a class that has had same relation to religon.
well blizzard did say in one of the preview videos that they wernt goin to have the same characters, but also on the classes subject i think that there will be a missionary class because of the rumers happening on its supose to be a battle between heven and hell and also they have always had a class that has had same relation to religon.
well honostly i DONT wanna see same old same old. maybe one more classic but the other 2 i wanna see something new. i think blizzard shares this because witchdoctor is new and i dont think its the only new one. witch doctor is basically a new necro to me, but i wanna see something original (suggestion) some kind of crazy magicion, well rounded caster with illision confusion reflecting spells something like that
p.s. there is no patant on that idea blizzard fell free to steal:)
We are accomplices.
Holy Fire anyone?
But yeah, continue discussion in this thread, or something, please.