I don't really know any specific details, but I could probably figure out the character I have in mind and put it down back in a new thread. Here's what I would want:
* I want a super fast character. Such as having a faster rate of speed with weapon.
(I want to be able to swing my weapon 100 times before they get 1 swing off) just an example. lol
* Also good dexterity just like every character like this would have (The class that has a fast rate of speed with weapon usually is some kind of rouge or something)
*** The Paladin in D2 reminded me of a class like this in ONE way. It had the skill called Smite. I loved how fast the pally was when he used this other skill that I forgot the name of. (Don't have D2 anymore)
Why do people stress on speed? Usually (stress on usually) a fast character deals way less damage than slower more powerful ones, so it's basically the same. 2 strikes in 1 second dealing 500 damage each is just like 1 strike per second dealing 1000 damage.
It's fun to play the faster characters though, and usually the faster characters have more crit, not sure how this could work into D3 maybe in the class specific weapons.
Also faster attacks = more elemental dmg that's on the weapon and more chance of crit (even if they're lower dmg than a slow weapon crit)
When this game comes out, be sure the two of us meet online so we can have some PVP. You'd be the quick one, and I would be the Barbarian (most likely), then I'll school you on why it's better.
When this game comes out, be sure the two of us meet online so we can have some PVP. You'd be the quick one, and I would be the Barbarian (most likely), then I'll school you on why it's better.
It's obvious you don't understand gameplay mechanics seeing as you believe lightning skills are useless.
??? its funny, because if you can build a speedy character right, you get better critical and also better dmg. u just want to be a fat@$$ character that wont even be able to swing at me
* I want a super fast character. Such as having a faster rate of speed with weapon.
(I want to be able to swing my weapon 100 times before they get 1 swing off) just an example. lol
* Also good dexterity just like every character like this would have (The class that has a fast rate of speed with weapon usually is some kind of rouge or something)
*** The Paladin in D2 reminded me of a class like this in ONE way. It had the skill called Smite. I loved how fast the pally was when he used this other skill that I forgot the name of. (Don't have D2 anymore)
Thanks and tell me what you think. Thanks guys
I think a true assassin/samurai character would fit pretty nicely into the speedy design.
Like a ranged character?
Usually fast character sacrifice some power and defense but make up for it with more overall DPS (damage per second)
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions
Also faster attacks = more elemental dmg that's on the weapon and more chance of crit (even if they're lower dmg than a slow weapon crit)
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions
It's obvious you don't understand gameplay mechanics seeing as you believe lightning skills are useless.
It's obvious you kiss boys because you're too thick to understand my POV. I won't waste more than a sentence on you.
Rise and rise again, until lambs become lions